Signs of Imbalanced Hormones You Should Never Ignore

Published by
Egline J., B.A.

Imbalanced hormones would usually be associated with the visions of menopausal women in a rage to most people.

Utterances of the word ‘hormones’ ring an echoing negative tone. The fact is, this is not an exclusive case, and hormonal changes affect every one of us, from birth to our ending days on earth.

Actually, hormones are the secret weapon of the body. They keep the heart-thumping, the digestive system continuously churning, and the brain intact and sharp.

  • Oxytocin is the love and social connection hormone that helps bonding and meaningful relationships.
  • Testosterone is for confidence and vitality and confidence revving up sex drive as well.
  • Progesterone is to keep calm.
  • The thyroid hormone boosts metabolism.
  • Cortisol triggers the response fight or flight solutions and to helps to hand threatening crisis.
  • Leptin is a self-control hormone.
  • Estrogen is for clear skin and strong bones.

According to endocrinologist Scotts Isaacs, from the Atlanta-Emory University Medical School when hormones get out of balance due to stress, or not eating in a proper fashion, havoc is spurted out in the body.

The symptoms of imbalanced hormones sprout out due to lifestyle, diet, pollution, and toxins our bodies are exposed to on a day-to-day basis.

Common symptoms include the following:

1. Weight Gain.

Diet, lifestyle and physical activity are all key components to maintaining a healthy weight. This is not the end. Hormonal imbalances make it difficult to maintain weight at a healthy level. Steps of success are insulin resistance with a common diet change like the elimination of processed foods sugar and wheat.

2. Belly Fat and Muscle Mass Loss.

When the endocrine system undergoes stress, it is due to hormone underproduction and overproduction. This causes the body to store fat, increasing belly fat.

3. Low Libido.

One of the noticeable symptoms of imbalanced hormones is low libido and disturbed sleep. With a low quality of sleep sex hormones diminish.

4. Fatigue.

Feeling sluggish, mentally foggy and scattered is another common factor making it difficult to make it past mid-morning. Dietary changes like eliminating wheat and grains help to stabilize blood sugar.

5. Mood Swings.

Anxiety and depression are signs of hormonal imbalances coming from overworking, stress and not nourishing the body in a proper manner.

6. Sleep Dysfunction.

Insomnia and sleep pattern complications cause physical stress leading to an increase in Cortisol levels.

7. Sweating.

Night sweats and hot flashes are the first feelings of discomfort. Best is, to begin with, a food journal and review emotions triggered off increasing internal temperatures.

8. Issues with Digestion.

Bloating, gas and slow digestion are linked to hormonal imbalances leading to a diminished extraction of nutrients from the body.

9. Cravings.

Eating more than you should or sudden cravings are linked to imbalanced hormones. Minimizing sugars, dairy, alcohol, and wheat will control digestive issues and cravings.

To keep hormones swimming smoothly, eat the right foods, get enough sleep, unwind and relax. Healthy lifestyles offset stress effects and keep happy hormones flowing in smooth function.


Published by
Egline J., B.A.