Prostate cancer is a challenge for men, just as breast cancer is for women. A search for a cure for these maladies has been going on for years. Interestingly, research has pointed out that the rates of prostate cancer are lower among Asian men than in other races. Why do they vary? And is there a way for men, regardless of race, to nip this disease in the bud?

Research Reveals Lower Rates of Prostate Cancer in Asia

Experts from various organizations share that prostate cancer rates vary between countries. The International Agency for Research on Cancer points out that the lowest rates of this illness are in Africa and Asia. The highest are in developed countries.

The National Cancer Institute and the US National Institute of Health share dramatic statistics. According to them, the rates for this type of cancer are higher for Western men than Asian men.

USA Today shares that African-Americans have the highest rates of prostate cancer in the world. But this type of cancer is not a typical malady in Africa. Diet is a possible explanation for the difference in rates since these men share the same ethnicity.

Furthermore, points out that the difference in prostate cancer rates between African-Americans and Asians in Asia is 200-fold. Again, the difference in ethnicity and diet could explain the extreme variation in statistics.

Reasons Why Asian Men Rarely Get Prostate Cancer

It seems like prostate cancer rates are the lowest among Asian men. What is their secret for keeping it at bay?

1. Diet

First of all, the Asian diet is high in fiber and low in fat. For example, the Japanese take in lots of low-fat fish. You may believe that a high-fat, meat-based diet of hamburgers, sausages, and steaks triggers this disease. While this is true, a lot depends on the temperature and preparation of the meat.

According to one study, the mutagens (agents which cause genetic change) in smoked meat, such as heterocyclic amines, and carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) prompt prostate cancer.

2. Using squat toilets

Toilet habits may also affect prostate cancer rates. In general, Asians tend to use squatting toilets more than those in the West. Westernized sitting toilets have become a convention, for many reasons. They are more hygienic and presentable than squatting toilets.

However, sitting toilets don’t prevent the disease like squatting ones. Sitting toilets involve using the diaphragm to push downward to eliminate, which is an effort. The name for it is the Valsalva Maneuver.

Furthermore, the pelvis and consequently, the pelvic floor has no support when a person’s in a sitting posture. That stretches and destroys the pudendal nerve, which sends signals from the prostate to the brain. Cancer sets in when it cannot function properly.

3. Genetics

Genetics could also explain why Asians are less prone to this disease than other races. One study unveiled that inherited genes might explain the disease. Asian migrants to Western nations developed it as well. Therefore, the environment could contribute to the illness.

4. Geography

Geography also plays a part in prostate cancer development. It influences a person’s lifestyle and diet. According to a study, Asian migrants to Western nations had higher rates of prostate cancer than their counterparts in their homelands. Diet and lifestyle might explain the higher rates. The availability of screening for the disease in the places where they came from might explain it as well.

Other factors that may affect prostate cancer rates

Of course, a person’s ethnicity and environment aren’t the only factors that increase prostate cancer risk. Here are some other possible causes.

1. Family history

A person’s family history, first of all, might decide whether he’s likely to develop the disease. One study shows that it is a factor that African-American men use to decide if they should get screened.

2. Exercise

Also, a person will cope better with this illness if he exercises.Research has proven that it helps him manage some of its side effects.

3. Age

Finally, the risk of prostate cancer increases as a person ages. The site shares that men over the age of 50 are more likely than younger ones to develop the illness.

Are There Any Natural Methods to Prevent It?

There is good news for men who don’t like medication. There are natural ways to prevent prostate cancer. Any man can use them, regardless of his race.

1. Ginger

First of all is ginger, an amazing antimicrobial herb. It reins in cancerous cells when taken regularly. You can drink it as a raw juice or with honey.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes may also prevent cancer. They have the antioxidant Lycopene, which stops it in its tracks. Of course, you can use them in many dishes.

3. Pomegranate

Furthermore, there is a pomegranate. Researchers have found that pomegranate extracts can stop cancerous cells from growing.

4. Soy

Another essential ingredient that curbs the spread of cancerous cells is soy. Soyfoods contain phytoestrogens (naturally occurring estrogens) which prevent the release of testosterone. This male hormone is what’s responsible for cancerous cells growing in the prostate.

The Cancer Council in Australia states that scientists found that people in Asia eat more soy. They went on a quest to find out if there were links between eating soy and prostate cancer. Men in Asian countries, who generally ate more soy, had lower rates of the disease. This study has the same findings.

5. Green Tea

Green tea is another ingredient that can help in checking this cancer. It has polyphenols that stop cancerous cells from growing. Note that prostate cancer rates in Japan, where green tea is a staple, is 67% less than in America.

6. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Finally, foods like fatty fish, which are high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids, can rein in prostate cancer. Examples of such fish are salmon and tuna.

A man can beat prostate cancer, no matter his race. It takes awareness and effort. Small lifestyle changes can keep it at bay.

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