Life Advancer – Your Guide to Life Improvement

Ideas for living a healthy and happy life, becoming your best possible self and building harmonious relationships with those around you.

Life Advancer is an informational source for people who want to improve themselves and their life, achieve genuine happiness and radiant health and make a positive impact on the world.

Our goalis to help you improve your wellbeing, unleash your potential and to encourage you to bring positive changes in your own life and your surroundings.

Here you will learn useful tips for staying fit, positive and mentally & physically healthy. You will read about practical ways to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle and make your daily life easier. You will also learn how to improve your romantic, friendly and family relationships. Life Advancer also features inspirational stories and motivational quotes to help you stay on the bright side of life.

If improving yourself, your life and the world is a high priority for you,check out our recent articles and start to get inspired by Life Advancer!

Relationships & Social Life

Body Language of Men: 22 Nonverbal Signs He Likes You

If you want to know if a guy likes you, then you should pay attention to the body language of men. Our body leaks information that we are not aware of. This information is so reliable that criminologists can use it to detect the truth from deceit. The great thing…

How to Stop Thinking about Someone? 5 Practical Tips

We've all been there; you experience a relationship breakup, fall out with a friend, or relocate - but no matter how hard you try, you can't get a certain someone out of your head. Learning how to stop thinking about someone isn't easy, but with a few practical tips, let's…
Health & Wellness

7 Mindfulness Meditation Exercises That Won't Take Much Time

The world keeps spinning, and it's a struggle to keep up with the constant rush. Mindfulness meditation exercises prevent us from losing our focus. What is mindfulness meditation, and what exercises can we do to keep ourselves centred? We answer these questions in this article. What is mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness…

Underestimated Professional Skills to Pave Your Way to Success

All skills, including professional ones, can be natural, learned, and mastered. As you grow up, the more of them you acquire, and the more of them you need. As we transition towards a more technology-oriented future, more expertise is being demanded in the professional world than ever before. Technology and…

3 Ways to Boost Productivity at Work

Whether you are working from home or are already back working in your office, productivity is something that you probably struggle with nowadays. With technology now literally at our arms reach that we can always bring with us wherever we go, it's easy to fall victim to distractions at work. As we become…

5 Simple Ways to Calm Your Mind Before Bed

Your immune system can fight off whatever is thrown at it, such as colds or other common ailments if your body is well-rested. Sleep deprivation can even lead to heart problems such as high blood pressure. Lack of sleep causes your body to release cortisol, a stress hormone that causes…

4 Tips for Making Your Dream Vacation a Reality

Is there somewhere that you are desperate to visit, but you can’t seem to find the time or the money? Perhaps you’d like to spend a week in Paris or explore the mountains of Japan. The possibilities may seem so far away thanks to the high costs of travel. But…