How to Get Lower Back Pain Relief with These 10 Natural Methods

Published by
Michelle Liew, B.A.

Stabbing backaches that hit you while you’re at work spoil your day. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to find relief for your lower back pain.

We explain why you suffer from lower back pain and reveal how you can tell if the aches in your back stem from its upper or lower regions. This article also has suggestions for lower back pain relief.

The Difference Between Lower and Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain happens because of a traumatic incident or injury. It may also occur because of poor posture that comes about as a result of physical activity, e.g., sports, slumping or slouching.

Upper back pain may also be the result of blunt force trauma. Most upper back pain occurs because of spinal joint dysfunction. The aches in the lower areas of the back also happen because of blunt force trauma. It may also occur because of herniated nerves or conditions like osteoarthritis.

What Are the Causes of Lower Back Pain?

1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

First of all is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, which is an infection of the reproductive organs in women. These include the fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries, and uterus. Signs include pain in the lower abdomen, pelvic area, and the lower back. It’s a condition that affects more than one million women a year.

It happens after bacteria enter the vagina and cause an infection, which spreads to the pelvic organs. PID can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

2. Slipped or Herniated Disc

The spine consists of a series of boxes stacked on top of each other. Discs cushion these bones. They protect the bones by absorbing the impact of our activities, e.g., walking and lifting.

3. Sciatica

This Sciatic nerve starts at the spinal cord and continues through your hips and buttocks. It then goes down each leg. This nerve is one of the most significant nerves in the body and affects our control over our legs. Damage to it results in Sciatica.

Sciatica shows itself in the form of severe pain to your back. You may also feel weakness and numbness. It affects people between thirty and fifty years old.

4. Kidney Stones

Kidney stones may also explain lower back pain. These are solid masses that originate in the kidneys. They are often a result of eating too many oxalate-rich foods such as potato chips, chocolate or beets. Those with high uric acid levels may experience them as well. Women with Urinary Tract Infections may develop Struvite kidney stones.

5. Spinal Stenosis

The spine refers to a column of bones called vertebrae. They conduct signals from the brain to the rest of the body. They support and stabilize the upper body. The bones and tissue in the spine protect these nerves. Damage to them impairs functions like balance and walking.

One will suffer from spinal stenosis if the spinal column compresses the spinal cord. Too much narrowing can cause problems. The symptoms of this condition are leg weakness and lower back pain.

6. Prostatitis

Prostatitis explains lower back pain in men. They contract it when the prostate gland, found under the bladder, becomes inflamed. The Urology Care Foundation reports that Chronic Prostatitis is the most common form of this disease.

7. Premenstrual Syndrome

This condition affects a woman’s health and behavior during her menstrual cycle. It affects more than 90% of women and occurs because of an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen (female hormones).

Apart from mood swings, irritability, and anxiety, women may experience pain in the lower back.

8. Kyphosis

Kyphosis, also known as round back or hunchback, is a condition in which the spine has an excessive curvature.

Known as the round back or hunchback, Kyphosis refers to the spine having an excessive curvature. It should have a natural curve to support the weight of the head.

There might be a lump on your back if you have kyphosis, and appear to slouch. It pressurizes the spine and causes lower back pain.

9. Obesity

Obesity is an epidemic in the United States and all over the world. It puts people at high risk of Type 2 Diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. It is a condition when one has a Body Mass Index of 30 or more.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 93.3 million American adults and 13.7 million children are obese. The pressure of excess weight on the spine may cause lower back pain.

What Are the Symptoms of Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain symptoms include:

  • A dull ache in the lower back.
  • Stabbing pain that moves through the leg.
  • Inability to stand upright without experiencing pain.
  • Limited range of motion and an inability to flex the back.

Your back pain may need attention if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Limited bladder control.
  • Weakness, numbness or tingling in one of the legs.
  • Intense pain.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • A throbbing sensation in the abdomen.

Natural Remedies for Lower Back Pain Relief

Medical science usually deals with the anatomical problems of the lower back. However, a multifaceted approach suits most patients. These include home remedies and making a few lifestyle changes.

1. Correct Your Posture

First of all, correct your posture if you want to relieve your lower back pain. The lower back is particularly susceptible to pain from sitting in the wrong way because it supports a good deal of your weight.

2. Pay Attention to Muscle Spasms

Lower back pain is often due to changes in the autonomic nervous system. Gently stretch the lower back and move back and forth to break the spasm cycle. This exercise is a must if you seek relief for your lower back pain due to injury or strain.

3. Heat

Another effective remedy that helps relieve lower back pain is heat. For effective heat therapy, apply a hot compress on your lower back.

4. Try the Water Bottle Curve

The water bottle curve is one of the best ways to treat the pain in your lower back. Lodge a water bottle between your back and the backrest of your chair. You’ll sit well this way, and the cold water will ease your pain.

5. Stretch Your Lower Back

Stretching exercises are also useful for easing the pain in the lower back. LIne your back and bring your knees up to your chest. Bring your hands toward your face. Hold this position for about ten seconds and then release it. Repeat this workout as necessary until the tension in your back starts to subside.

6. Stretch the Sides of Your Back

This exercise also works wonders for your back. Lie on it and stretch your arms to your sides.

Bend one knee and slowly roll onto the side to the opposite of that knee. Hold this position for about ten seconds. Do the same for the other side. Keep alternating as necessary.

7. Stretch Your Neck

Bend your head forward to stretch your neck. Rotate your head around in a circle. Bring your chin to your chest, your left ear to your left shoulder. Then, turn your head around and bring your right ear to your left shoulder.

8. Try Oils

Many medications can soothe your lower back by blocking the pain. Creams with Capsaicin, which makes Substance P, desensitize you to the feeling.

Research reveals that topical medications can work as well as oral ones. Many of them do a better job than Placebo. A study found that participants experienced less pain when they applied essential oil on their backs.

9. Massage Your Back

Gently massage your tense muscles to relieve your pain. Researchers discovered that massage therapy reduces lower back pain and the use of anti-inflammatory medications.

10. Eat the Right Foods

Finally, there is evidence to prove that an alkaline diet reduces pain in the lower back. Avoid acidic foods and try herbal supplements like Devil’s Claw or Willow Bark.

In all, a few lifestyle changes and natural remedies can offer lower back pain relief. Try them and ease your aches today.

View Comments

  • Excellent article!!! No doubt the exercises eliminate back pain and help mental health. I was in a lot of back pain and I fell into a depression until I started doing exercises and I used the sequential flow method for the flexors. I will combine it with your recommendations, I hope you keep giving more information, I will follow your recommendations very closely. Thank you!

    • Hi Luis,

      Thank you. I'm glad that it was useful to you. There are other articles on lower back pain relief and remedies on this site. Do feel free to browse through them!

Published by
Michelle Liew, B.A.