Can you harness the power of color to manifest your desires?

The psychology behind color continues to be explored by scientists. Color is believed to have a significant impact on our mood and emotions.


Research has shown that wearing blue to a job interview promotes confidence, friendlessness and loyalty. It is believed that women are subconsciously attracted to men wearing blue, as they appear trustworthy, faithful and stable.

This will interest those looking to lose weight: often dieticians recommend serving food on a blue plate, as it is a natural appetite suppressant.


A symbol of lust that stimulates sexual desire, red physically makes the heart beat faster. Research has found that men are attracted to women that wear red. Red represents strength and power and is the most emotionally intense color.


Yellow’s impact is controversial, as it stimulates both positive and negative responses. Yellow often promotes happiness in small doses, improves memory, revives the mind and spirit and has also been shown to stimulate metabolism.

On the other hand, studies have shown more arguments are born in yellow rooms and babies cry, which can be attributed to the irritation our eyes experience by light reflecting at a higher intensity off bright colors.


Green is associated with growth, healing, recovery, and rejuvenation.

Consciously observe the color scheme of a hospital and you may notice a green color scheme. Our eyes enjoy absorbing green and some people have found that reading speed and comprehension has increased when reading text printed on green paper.


According to bubblegum researchers, pink has been found to have a tranquilizing effect while lowering heart rate. Hoping to pacify and physically disadvantage opponents, football stadiums in the United States often paint their visitor locker rooms pink.


Purple can heighten concentration and have an impact on problem-solving and meditation. The most spiritual of all colors, purple elevates thought, contemplation and awareness.


Stylish and timeless, black is a powerful, authoritative color that makes people appear thinner.


Light, neutral and versatile, white implies purity and symbolizes innocence.

Author Bio: Kim grew up in Melbourne, Australia, and is an outgoing, outdoor adventure enthusiast with a passion for travel and tourism. Kim has traveled the world extensively and is fluent in 4 languages. She has a background in marketing and public relations and is currently residing in Calgary, Canada. She takes a great interest in spirituality. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to live their dreams.


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lifeadvancer User Avatar
    Vasia Loncey

    nice article sis !!!! <3

    1. Lifeadvancer User Avatar
      Panos Jacks

      indeed !

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