Sharing the right information about you may be quite tricky. Emotionally intelligent people know this very well.

There is a very thin line between opening up to co-workers in order to create a professional relationship and disclosing the wrong things that may destroy your professional profile.

It’s true that you need to let people know who you are and create bonds in order to become part of a working team. Nonetheless, you need to be careful about what you bring to light if you want to protect your career.

According to research conveyed by TalentSmart, 90% of successful employees who cover the upper echelons are people of high emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence can be defined as the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions, to distinguish between different emotions, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.

Emotionally intelligent people are characterized by Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation (the ability tocontrol emotionsand impulses), Motivation, Empathy, Social Skills (excellent communication, managing disputes, and mastering at building and maintaining relationships).

They are competent in understanding and reading others, as well as having an instinct on how to behave socially. At work, this is priceless!

So here are a few things emotionally intelligent people will never reveal at work:

1. The fact that you don’t Like Your Job.

The fact that you are not exactly fond of your job is something you can discuss with friends or family but never at work. Your supervisors will not appreciate that kind of information, and they will possibly think about replacing a work-nagger.

Discussing certain details that may improve your work is one thing, but nagging about how much you hate your job is quite different. As long as you choose to stay at this work, don’t show a negative attitude.

2. You are in Search for Another Job

Unless you have something for sure, don’t announce anything. When the time comes for you to go, you’ll let them know. Until then, it’s meaningless to discuss your plans for leaving.

Your job application may not go as planned, and you may end up staying at your existing job, for a short or long time, facing people’s disapproval or disappointment of your desire to leave.

3. Politics Talk

You may agree with some people and disagree with others. But those disagreements may ruin a balance you have probably worked hard for.

There’s really no point in expressing your political beliefs at work, as it is quite unlikely to change someone’s point of view. It is more probable that it will only lead to tension between you and your colleagues. You don’t need that. Keeping things on an even keel is the best thing to do here.

4. Bedroom Action.

You may be very proud of your sex life, or you may be having a break from this kind of activity at the time. In any case, this topic is not to be discussed with colleagues at lunch break.

It may seem funny to say a joke about your sexual activity, but it will be awkward for most people and will probably give you a not so good reputation. So keep this information away from the workspace!

5. Financial Issues

Revealing how much you make each month may bring about negative vibes. It will instantly put you out there for comparison. You may be curious to know this information about a colleague and be enticed to exchange your “numbers”, but this will probably change each other’s point of view forever.

6. Your Negative Opinion of a Colleague

There’s nothing to offer by mentioning that a coworker is not good at their work. If that’s true, chances are people already know it.

If you think there’s something to do to help them get better, you can do it. Otherwise, there is no need to say anything. It will only make you look like a bad guy.

7. Your Wild Past.

For people that don’t know you that well, information such as wild drinking at college, driving without a license or constant dating could label you, and not in a nice way.

You may have changed a lot since then and be a perfectly mature and responsible person, but it’s not something they know, and probably they won’t think about it. So, don’t ever share such personal information.

Being Emotionally Intelligent can be a key to success in your life, especially in your career.

So, it might be a good idea to make an effort to learn from emotionally intelligent people as much as you can.


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