Have you been suffering from any type of severe back pain? No matter what the underlying cause is, it can be crippling and make everyday tasks extremely difficult.

Learning how to cope with severe back pain is the best way to tackle the issue head-on until you can get a permanent fix. Unfortunately, not all back pain can be cured with surgery or natural techniques.

Here are a few treatment options and other ways that might help make your life a little easier, as you deal with severe back pain every day:

Massage Therapy

Standing can be difficult if you have a spinal condition like muscular dystrophy or spinal stenosis. Another way to deal with the chronic back pain caused by a spinal condition or disease is with massage therapy.

This starts with meeting with either a massage therapist or a chiropractor who specializes in homeopathic treatment for back pain. Initially, a complete evaluation will be done that includes:

  • A range of motion exam to see how far your movement is affected
  • An X-ray of the back to check for pinpoint abnormalities and conditions
  • Review of any medical history from your primary physician or orthopedic doctor
  • Assessment of your current pain medications

From there, the chiropractor will conduct a physical exam. Afterward, you may have a spinal adjustment and then consult with the massage therapist on staff or be referred to an outside massage therapist for muscle manipulation or acupressure treatment.

The goal is to help provide temporary relief from your back pain and discomfort.

Hot and Cold Therapy

In addition to massage and chiropractic therapy, another option to explore may be hot or cold therapy or a combination of the two. Hot therapy helps loosen up strained, stressed muscles and can help them relax. This can reduce stress in other areas of your back and lower body and help combat severe back pain.

Types of hot therapy can be achieved through hot tub jets, sauna sessions, hot baths and hot pads. If your back is already inflamed and pained, cold therapy may be an option. Applying an ice pack to a throbbing back can help numb certain areas for the short term.

Using a combination of both until you find what works for you is a good suggestion.

Lift Chair

Does it hurt to bend when you get out of your bed or your chair? If so, a lift chair might be a good option for you. Some lift chairs have a sleep option that allows you to comfortably go all the way back and lay flat in your chair.

This can greatly take the stress off of your back and allow you to get comfortable and rest while watching television or reading. This type of chair is a great option for someone with chronic back pain that is derived from a slipped disc, disc degeneration or arthritis anywhere in the body.

A lift chair can also help with reducing stress on the back as you don’t have to bend and apply a lot of pressure to your legs and lower back as you get up out of the sitting position.

Using Yoga as a Natural Treatment Approach

In some cases, severe back pain can be so out of control that it can make daily life difficult. Before surgery becomes an option, your doctor may recommend yoga techniques or physical therapy to help ease the tension in your back.

Certain yoga techniques that involve stretching and strengthening the core abdominal muscles can help improve your lower back health and make chronic pain easier to deal with.

Yoga can improve flexibility and reduce stress and blood pressure, all of which can reduce your risk of further injury and help you heal easier with your current back problem.

In addition to yoga, an evaluation with a physical therapist may also be beneficial. Physical therapy will focus on building up weak muscles and may also help to loosen up areas that may be infringing on core spinal nerves.

Whether you use one way to treat your pain or multiple methods, it’s important to find a resolution to your severe back pain that is safe and effective.

Keep in mind it’s important to never attempt any treatment method without first consulting with your medical doctor.

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