How to reveal your hidden potential and be happy. Self-improvement tips and strategies for success and personal development that will help you transform into a better, wiser and more evolved person.

Increase your Intuition

One Simple Exercise to Increase your Intuition

Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. We are all intuitive beings and we are all born with the same intuitive abilities, it is just that some people have had more practice. Your intuition already lives within you, it is already strong, and it is already willing to guide you. Learning to develop and increase your intuition is truly…

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Living your Best Life

5 Beliefs that Prevent You from Living your Best Life

Everyone wants to live life to the fullest, in fact, that its what life is all about. We are here to experience life to it’s fullest potential – the highs, the lows and everything else in between. Many of us, however, are shortchanging ourselves by believing certain values or constraints. These beliefs hold us back and prevent us from living our best life.…

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Failure to Launch in Your Life

6 Ways to Combat the Failure to Launch in Your Life

Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you anything was possible in your life? The sky was the limit, they said, and you believed them. Being cut from the soccer team, setting fire to your chemistry set, getting turned down by your kindergarten crush — no setback was damning enough to shake your confidence or destroy your faith in the…

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Types of Meditation

7 Types of Meditation: Which One Is Best for You?

Thousands of people have begun the journey of personal health. To achieve the maximum level of health one must eat well, exercise regularly, and improve their mental well-being. People struggle most often to improve their mental well-being because it is the most ambiguous and hardest to see tangible results. Meditation is the best way to mentally reduce stress and develop an air of…

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the Right Partner into your Life

How to Attract the Right Partner into Your Life

Do you find that you keep attracting the wrong sort of partner into your life? It's 2015 and you still haven’t found that perfect someone that you wish to spend the rest of your life with. Instead, you find yourself dating horrible, aggressive, needy or lazy guys or girls who have no similar interests or longevity. It seems that no matter how hard…

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simple exercise personal power

Do This One Simple Exercise to Unlock Your Personal Power

There is one simple exercise you need to be doing that will improve your life more than you could have ever imagined. Calm an over-active mind, unlock your subconscious, find answers to your problems and develop your intuitive abilities by completing this well-known and, at the same time, simple exercise on a daily basis. Free writing, automatic writing, morning pages – are a…

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Intimate Energy

The Impact of Intimate Energy

Be mindful with whom you share your intimate energy with. Being intimate and creating a deep connection with someone creates an opportunity for your aura or energy to intertwine with the other persons. These energy exchanges are often powerful and can expose you to a lot of different energies, especially if you are a sensitive being. At any level of intimacy, absorbing another person…

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Colors Help you Manifest your Desires

How Colors Help you Manifest your Desires

Can you harness the power of color to manifest your desires? The psychology behind color continues to be explored by scientists. Color is believed to have a significant impact on our mood and emotions. Blue Research has shown that wearing blue to a job interview promotes confidence, friendlessness and loyalty. It is believed that women are subconsciously attracted to men wearing blue, as…

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