Tips on how to build a strong and happy relationship with your romantic partner to make sure that it will last. Articles about problems, disagreements and toxic patterns that often arise in relationships and ways to prevent and handle them.

How to Use the Law of Attraction for Love to Find the Right Partner

How to Use the Law of Attraction for Love to Find the One

In this world, it can be hard to find the right partner. By using the law of attraction, finding true love is actually easier. Manifesting love with the law of attraction involves creating a certain mindset for relationships. It’s about focus and materializing what we want from our desires. Like, must be attracted to like in order to be successful in finding the…

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Steps in a Relationship Every Couple Should Go through Before Getting Married

10 Steps in a Relationship Every Couple Should Go Through

The best relationships go through a lot, but there are certain steps in a relationship that every healthy couple should go through. You shouldn't rush into marriage, it is a big decision that must be well considered. If you're wondering whether your relationship is destined for wedding bells, these ten steps will help. These are the steps that every healthy couple goes through…

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Is Your Relationship Moving Too Fast 10 Signs to Consider

Is Your Relationship Moving Too Fast? 10 Signs to Watch for

There are ways to tell if your relationship is evolving too fast, and you must consider these signs before moving on. Relationships are beautiful things. They bring us joy, companionship, love, and yes, sometimes pain. There are also many questions when you’re in a relationship – “Is it time to move to the next level?”, “Are there any issues you need to work…

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Types of a Verbally Abusive Relationships People Don’t Realize Are Toxic

A Verbally Abusive Relationship Comes in These 6 Toxic Types

There are so many forms of abuse, and the verbally abusive relationship is one of the most damaging situations. Words truly hurt. Sometimes, I sit around and think about negative words from the past, but I try not to dwell too long there. It can be even more damaging to present situations, good or bad. I was in a verbally abusive relationship, among…

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How to Get a Relationship Closure and Why It Is Important for Moving on

How to Get a Relationship Closure and Why It Is Important

It’s hard to gain relationship closure. In fact, it can be one of the most difficult things you may ever do. The strange thing about closure is that it sometimes comes long after the relationship is over, and yet, sometimes, even before it ends. The truth is, you can usually see where your relationship is headed, and you just don’t know what to…

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How to Be an Interesting Person with These 8 Science-Backed Hacks

How to Be an Interesting Person with 8 Science-Backed Hacks

Everyone is interesting in their own right, but it’s okay to want to be the most interesting person in the room. We are all interesting. We all have our unique interests, skills, and history, so don’t start thinking that you’re boring just because others are different from you. However, we all secretly want to spark interest in others. There are a number of…

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Signs and Stages of a Narcissistic Relationship

Signs & Stages of a Narcissistic Relationship: Are You in One?

If you’re in a relationship with a narcissistic person, you will know by the signs. A relationship like this will drain you. The narcissistic relationship can be explained by first understanding what it is and where it comes from. Narcissism comes from a surprising place, and we all have some amount of narcissistic characteristics. This is normal. What is not normal, however, is…

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kindred spirits signs

What Are Kindred Spirits and 7 Signs You Have Found Yours

When you meet a kindred spirit, you will experience a rare connection. Similar interests and standards will be a few of the indicators. I’ve met a few people who’ve felt like kindred spirits to me. It was strange in a way at first because the connection was strong, so strong it was hard to believe. Have I been wrong about some of these…

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