Tips on how to build a strong and happy relationship with your romantic partner to make sure that it will last. Articles about problems, disagreements and toxic patterns that often arise in relationships and ways to prevent and handle them.

Improve Your Relationship Using Mindfulness

How to Improve Your Relationship with the Help of Mindfulness

Are you looking for ways to improve your relationship? Mindfulness is the key to improving many areas of your life, including relationships! If it would have been a few months ago I wouldn’t have noticed how her shoulders or her gaze dropped as she mentioned her cat. Instead, I would have been waiting for it to be my turn and started in on…

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Things Should Never Share Others Why

5 Things You Should Never Share with Others and Why

Do you keep secrets or do you share with others every single detail of your life? Keeping secrets is never usually advised, as it keeps issues that can damage your emotional wellbeing. However, there are some key things that you should never share with others and are best to keep to yourself. Sometimes, keeping things safe can also be helpful in creating success.…

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Things Understand You Live on Your Own

7 Things That You’ll Only Understand If You Live on Your Own

Do you live on your own? If so, you’ll probably identify with these 7 phenomena peculiar to single living: 1. You eat what you want when you want. Any cohabiting couple will tell you that for some reason, the question of what the couple wants to eat as a unit becomes a real daily burden. A problem of immense proportions. ‘What do you want to…

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We Are Unwittingly Sabotaging Relationships

10 Ways We Are Unwittingly Sabotaging Relationships

Why are people sabotaging good relationships so often? For the commitment-phobic, managing a relationship can seem like climbing Mount Everest. Without a doubt, it can be difficult to navigate. If you find yourself starting quarrels in your relationships endlessly, it may be time to take a step back and take stock of why you sabotage them. You will avoid spoiling a solid relationship.…

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Relationship Behaviors People Don’t Realize Are Toxic

12 Relationship Behaviors Most People Don’t Realize Are Toxic

Do you feel that some of your or your partner's behaviors in your relationship are maladjusted and imbalanced? Relationships are complex entities that are difficult for anyone to understand, including those in them. Like everyone else, you may want help to get a handle on yours. Unfortunately, going to school does little to help you manage them; you have to rely on your own…

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Date a Person Who Accepts You the Way You Are

3 Reasons You Should Date a Person Who Accepts You the Way You Are

Why should you date a person who accepts you the way you are? Well – the way you are can mean different things. There are a few possible scenarios. We should be clear about which one we’re in before proceeding. Scenario #1: You’re with someone who doesn’t accept you the way you are because you behave in an unacceptable manner. You have a…

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Check Every Relationship in Your Life

Check Every Relationship in Your Life with These Three Simple Questions

Every relationship we have is a reflection of our state of being. Therapists have long been telling us that whom we surround ourselves with (our friends and partners) is often a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. For example, if we have friends who consistently let us down, cancel plans and are generally unreliable these people don’t care about our feelings. This…

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Deal Judgmental People

How to Deal with Judgmental People in 10 Effective Ways

Before you can deal with judgmental people you must first understand a few facts about them, and about negative criticism. “Even God doesn't judge a man till his last days, why should you and I?”- Dale Carnegie Motivational speaker Dale Carnegie had wise words about judgment. It stings, and there is every reason to discount it. You may respond to this by asking…

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