Tips on how to make friends, build trust, and form bonds with the people in different areas of your life, including social circle and workplace. Articles about recognizing and handling toxic and negative people among your social connections.
Some people are notorious for poor online conduct. The sweet-tempered secretary who greets you at the office may have a nasty online persona. She is among the social media users who behave one way online, and quite another off. Why the 'split personality'? What are the effects of errant conduct on Facebook and Twitter? Why do people misbehave on social media? Psychologists attribute…
You can cry or you can get angry, but none of these will work. There are better ways to deal with toxic people, trust me. This is how I learned to deal with toxic people. I'm ashamed to admit that it took decades of my life to learn how to deal with the toxic people that surrounded me in a healthy manner. My…
There are some negative behavior patterns that you may be following unconsciously and that is destroying your self-confidence without you even knowing. You put on your favorite jeans. You just got new shoes and you love them. Your favorite jacket is ready to go. You look good and you know it. Suddenly, the old patterns emerge. You start having doubts. Maybe the jeans…
It’s not always easy to figure out the ways to deal with passive-aggressive people. They love to make you feel as though you are going crazy. The truth about dealing with passive-aggressive people lies within our ability to stay sane. So basically, they do have the power to drive us crazy, if we let them. Considering I lived for decades with a narcissist,…
Slowly, people are starting to embrace more intentional lifestyles. One of the ways people are doing this is through communal living. Another is by giving back to the community. We live in a consumer-driven world that promotes selfishness and a focus on things. Living more intentional takes back that focus. Spending time with family, friends, and building a community is a much more…
Have you ever wondered what it might be like if you could connect with people much deeper and faster? What life would be like if you could get to know people in half the time? You could surround yourself with a large number of close friends, and connect with people on a different level. It’s actually incredibly easy. Simply play a game. The…
We all like to think that we have good manners and know about our social behaviors and etiquette rules. But is it possible that we are not conducting ourselves properly and in turn pushing people away from us with our social behaviors? If you’ve ever experienced an eye roll in your direction or a blank stare, then read on. It could be that…
Social media addiction is more real and dangerous than you could imagine. Could you be suffering? Here are some signs to help you find out. Do you constantly reach for your phone? Do you get that sense of panic when you can’t find it? Are your friends and family constantly competing for your attention? These are some of the signs of social media…