Tips on how to make friends, build trust, and form bonds with the people in different areas of your life, including social circle and workplace. Articles about recognizing and handling toxic and negative people among your social connections.
Have you ever considered social validation? You know, that funny little thing that could completely change the way you behave, something we would never admit we need. However, many people in this world need social validation as a drug, a nice ‘fix’ to their mood and self-worth. It follows us ever since the youngest age. We do what other kids do because we…
The way someone sees you for the first time means so much. That’s why learning how to make a good first impression is so important. Whether it’s for a new job or a social event, a good first impression leaves your company with a long-standing view of you. It doesn’t matter how you appear the second or third meeting. They will always remember…
Our society tends to ridicule sensitive men who are not afraid to show their feelings. But in fact, they have some underestimated qualities. It’s not only the sensitive men who have feelings. All men do, even if they don’t show it. It is the conclusion of an American psychologist who has been studying the way men think and feel for 25 years. To…
Do you want to know how to make people like you? If so, did you know that scientists have researched this very subject and found psychological reasons why we naturally gravitate to some and not others? Some of their findings you might not have heard of and have fancy names like spontaneous trait transference. Others are more familiar like mirroring body language. So…
Many of us find it difficult to say no because we strive to be "people pleasers". Unfortunately, we suffer from trying to do this. When it comes to friends and loved ones, no one likes to say no. When someone we love is in need, we want to do everything in our power to meet that need. The truth is, we can’t always…
Compliments are nice, but what if they come from a jealous or fake person? In this case, you need to know how to take such a compliment without being mean. Being told that you are beautiful or intelligent feels good. I know it’s nice for me. There comes a time, however, when compliments start to seem like backhanded comments. This is because these…
I never knew how to deal with jealous people until I realized how ugly the emotion can be. Jealousy can be a beast, turning you into a toxic person. I know jealousy is wrong, but I was also a part of the problem. Who am I fooling, I can still be a little jealous at times. I’m not proud of what I am,…
If your friend is guilty of any of the below, then a friendship breakup is really necessary for your own mental health and personal development. There are some friendships we form, that are meant to and do last forever. Whether they are forged in school, even earlier or in college or when you start your working life. However, there are some that have…