Tips on how to make friends, build trust, and form bonds with the people in different areas of your life, including social circle and workplace. Articles about recognizing and handling toxic and negative people among your social connections.

psychology tricks

10 Clever Psychology Tricks You Need to Know

Social situations are very important in our lives and there are psychology tricks that can be applied to them. Here are ten clever psychology tricks that will make your life easier when in social situations: 1. Find out if someone likes you To find out if someone likes you, simply pick a word as they talk. Every time they say that word, smile, and nod.…

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Overcoming Social Anxiety Signs Symptoms Techniques

Overcoming Social Anxiety: Signs, Symptoms, and Techniques

In this infographic, you will learn everything you need to know about overcoming social anxiety. Social anxiety is more than just being shy or getting butterflies before a social outing, speech, or interview. You might be avoiding certain situations because it causes too much stress and you might excessively worry about what people might think of you. You might limit the number of…

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Reasons You Should Hanging out People Different

5 Reasons You Should Be Hanging Out with People Who Are Different from You

Hanging out with people who have different perspectives will help you to discover new things and attune to new world views. Tolerance. Many people leave this word out of their vocabulary. Peace would replace the current chaos in the world if they did not. Clashing ideologies add to the global tension, almost daily. People are unable to accept other viewpoints and often try…

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Reasons You Should Be OK If Not Everyone Likes You

8 Reasons Why You Should Be OK If Not Everyone Likes You

If you are trying to please everyone, here are some reasons to be OK with the idea that not everyone likes you. It is easy to spot people pleasers. They are so nice that you feel uncomfortable. If you point out a flaw, they will do their best to cajole you and make sure that you do not feel offended. Their over-trying ways…

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Secrets Charismatic People Irresistible

11 Secrets of Charismatic People That Make Them Irresistible

Charisma is subjective. What is certain is that charismatic people have some qualities and habits in common and you can adopt them too! You probably know someone who instantly lights up the room the minute they walk into it. It is hard to pinpoint how they work their magic. They seem to generate energy in people at the snap of their fingers and…

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being yourself

8 Things That Happen When You Stop Being Afraid of Being Yourself

Being yourself is about being honest with yourself and other people. Being afraid of being yourself means that your life doesn’t align with your true needs. When you stop being afraid of being yourself, your internal and external reality transforms. Here are 8 miracles that will happen as soon as you do: 1. You accept yourself When you stop being afraid of being…

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Science-Backed Reasons Quitting Social Media

4 Science-Backed Reasons Why Quitting Social Media Equals Happiness

Quitting social media can make you happier, a recent study suggests. No one needs to remind you that social media can be destructive unless you use it wisely. However, you may not realize that your unconscious bad habits when using it are damaging. They may lead you to have an unhealthy involvement with it. That's why quitting social media can have a positive…

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Signs It’s Time End a Friendship

It’s Time to End a Friendship If These 7 Things Happen

Do you feel the need to just end a friendship? Sometimes certain friendships can be extremely toxic to your life. They end up bringing the worst out of you, or worse, they just add to your problems. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been friends with someone - if they aren’t good for you, there comes a time they should leave your life.…

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