Tips on how to make friends, build trust, and form bonds with the people in different areas of your life, including social circle and workplace. Articles about recognizing and handling toxic and negative people among your social connections.

Narcissistic Boss

Narcissistic Boss: The Signs and Ways to Deal with One

"You'd better get that done at once, or you'll have no job by the end of the week!" You may have heard the rants of a narcissistic boss before, perhaps more than once. A ballistic employer is not a welcome sight. If you're starting to feel uncomfortable when you're in front of your boss, you may want to know if he or she is…

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Verbal Abuse Best Ways Cope With Them

5 Signs of Verbal Abuse and the Best Ways to Cope with Them

The adage "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is probably a familiar one. They are brave words that need adjustment. The truth is, words do hurt. Insults and sarcasm make up what experts call 'verbal abuse'. What is this form of abuse and what are its signs? More importantly, how would you cope with it if…

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Annoying Things Push People Away

8 Annoying Things You May Be Doing That Push People Away

There are some annoying things some people do that push others away. While some people effortlessly make friends left and right, others have a more difficult time. Are you one of those people who wonder why they can’t seem to keep a friend? It’s possible you have certain traits that others find annoying. Subtle actions may be producing negative tension between you and…

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Emotional Vampires

5 Types of Emotional Vampires and How to Protect Yourself from Them

You may not know what an emotional vampire is, but you will probably recognize its constant grumbling. Also, your energy will take a nose dive every time you meet one. Emotional vampires, as the term suggests, suck the energy out of you. Some do so by surrounding you with their constant complaints, while others threaten your self-worth. So, how can you tell if…

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Single People Recognized Disabled

Single People Recognized as Disabled by World Health Organization

WHO (World Health Organization) has announced that single people could be recognized as ‘disabled,’ which could entitle them to fertility treatment. We all know that IVF is available on the NHS for couples that meet certain criteria. However, there are many singletons out there that would prefer to start a family without a partner but can’t afford private treatment. Well, their wish may…

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Emotionally Intelligent People Keep

7 Things Emotionally Intelligent People Keep to Themselves

Sharing the right information about you may be quite tricky. Emotionally intelligent people know this very well. There is a very thin line between opening up to co-workers in order to create a professional relationship and disclosing the wrong things that may destroy your professional profile. It's true that you need to let people know who you are and create bonds in order to…

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Toxic Family Members

Toxic Family Members and How to Recognize Them

The words "toxic family members"make my stomach turn. Let me help you recognize these people and improve your relationship with them. First off, it’s hard to talk about something that has impacted my life with such fierce control. This is especially true if you’re still dealing with said toxic family members. Oftentimes, I’d rather talk about something else to keep from becoming overwhelmed…

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Dealing Hypocrite

4 Signs You Are Dealing With a Hypocrite

It’s easy for us to brush things under the rug when a friend or colleague says something hypocritical. Often it’s something not important and it’s easier to ignore it than bring it up. But it’s important to be able to identify when someone is being a hypocrite. Whether that’s to point it out to them or to walk away entirely. Below are some…

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