Clever life hacks that provide ingenious solutions to everyday problems and will make your daily life easier at home, in the workplace and in your social and personal life.
How often do you use excuses that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams? I hear it all the time, I would love to do “enter cool thing here” but I don’t have enough….. Time. ~ Money. ~ Experience. ~ Connections. And the list of excuses goes on and on and on…. Most of the time you may not even…
Are you that type of a person who has gotten stuck with fried food? You are not alone, as many people are finding it pretty tough to ditch fried foods for better options amidst the buzz created by escalating cases of obesity in society. Here, we look at ways you can make fried food healthier for better health results. 1. Try Using Olive…
Talk of strange things that you never think of and I bet you have never imagined that deodorant could be adapted for uses other than just giving you a fresh scent. If you are one of those who never thought outside the box, then sit back and take notes as we take a look at some of the great uses you can find…
Everyone wants to live life to the fullest, in fact, that its what life is all about. We are here to experience life to it’s fullest potential – the highs, the lows and everything else in between. Many of us, however, are shortchanging ourselves by believing certain values or constraints. These beliefs hold us back and prevent us from living our best life.…
Can you harness the power of color to manifest your desires? The psychology behind color continues to be explored by scientists. Color is believed to have a significant impact on our mood and emotions. Blue Research has shown that wearing blue to a job interview promotes confidence, friendlessness and loyalty. It is believed that women are subconsciously attracted to men wearing blue, as…
My definition of truth is “something you keep stumbling into, again and again, in different forms.” I, like most people, spent most of my life wanting a quick fix for my suffering. My biggest epiphany (and greatest disillusionment) was when I realized that all the life lessons I’d learned, all of the epiphanies I’d had about my healing and happiness, would have to…
December is nearing its end, and the Christmas craze has passed, along with the start of wondering what one's New Year's resolutions might be. Each year, we hear that countdown and promise ourselves that this year will be different than the last, that we shall do things, see people, go places, be different, be spectacular, be unique, and ultimately make a change in…
Reducing food waste in your home is one of the best things you can do to minimize the effect you have on the environment. It will not only mean that overall less food needs to be produced. It also means reducing the carbon footprint of food manufacturing as well as reducing other negative environmental side-effects of food production. When you reduce food waste,…