Articles about healthy food and nutrition. Healthy eating habits, cooking methods and recipes. Various diets and everything you should know about them. Here you will also learn about superfoods and unexpected health benefits of different foods and spices.

How to Make Daily Exercise

How to Make Daily Exercise and Healthy Eating a Reality

Below are a few ways you can incorporate daily exercise into your routine as well as find time to cook healthy meals at home. It can be tough to get into shape. Especially if you haven’t focused on you in a while. The pounds may have packed on, the clothes may have gotten bigger, your self-esteem may have dropped. You may have let…

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vitamin D levels

Why Low Vitamin D Levels Can Be Dangerous and How to Keep Them in Check

The human body has a warning mechanism that immediately points out when it is lacking Vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels can result in dangerous consequences. Vitamins are among the most important nutrients in your diet. For example, proper vitamin D levels are extremely necessary if you want your body to carry out many biological processes. Overall, without them, it would be impossible…

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What Are Brassica Vegetables

What Are Brassica Vegetables and Why You Should Add More of Them to Your Diet

Brassica vegetables is the name given to the group of veggies that have very high amounts of vitamins and minerals. They are among the superfoods! Nowadays, not a lot of people know about brassica vegetables. Given the fact that there is such a high level of demand when it comes to food, it is very hard to know what is good and what…

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Weight Loss Plan

How to Choose a Weight Loss Plan That Will Work for You

It's frustrating to put in the effort to lose pounds only to have them creep back onto your body. A weight loss plan helps you avoid the Yo-yo effect. This article suggests how to choose and keep the right plan that will help you reach your weight loss goals. Learn about its benefits, and other weight loss tips too. How Following a Plan…

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Healthy and Quick Dinner Ideas

7 Healthy and Quick Dinner Ideas You and Your Family Are Gonna Love

We all want a tasty meal to end a busy day, now don’t we? Well, there are several quick dinner ideas that are delicious too! As a mother, I have prepared countless meals for my family. Some of these meals consisted of quick and semi-healthy portions. However, a great number of the meals I prepared over the years have been wholesome and homemade.…

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Breastfeeding Diet

Breastfeeding Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid

A new baby is a milestone and means having to make changes. If you aren't feeding him/her infant formula, a new breastfeeding diet is in order. What you put into your body makes a difference to your baby's health. We indicate what foods you should and shouldn't eat during breastfeeding and suggest lifestyle changes that you should make if you choose this route.…

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Side Effects of Coffee

7 Side Effects of Coffee You Probably Didn’t Know about

Most people tend to neglect the side effects of coffee and focus only on the energy-boosting benefits this drink gives them. Coffee is a staple for giving us the jumpstart we need for our busy mornings, stressful office jobs and poor health. No, you didn’t read that wrong because numerous studies have confirmed that coffee is full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids,…

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sources of Vitamin D

9 Sources of Vitamin D You Should Introduce into Your Diet

Do you have raw bones or have occasional breathing difficulties? You may be lacking Vitamin D. The Sunshine Vitamin strengthens your bones and cognitive functions. This article explains the causes and symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. It also suggests sources of Vitamin D. What Is Vitamin D? The Sunshine Vitamin is vital for holistic health and building strong bones. It also defends your…

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