Here you will find information about the ways to look younger, take care of your skin and hair and stay fit. Beauty secrets and fitness tips you can follow to make sure you stay fit, young and attractive.
The term sensitive skin is something that is often thrown about without understanding the full meaning and consequences behind it. The term ‘sensitive skin’ will refer to the increased reactivity of the skin to products or conditions that to most other people do not cause a reaction. For example, someone who overuses a product, or over exfoliates can cause their skin to redden…
What and where are your hip flexors and what can you do to soften them up? These hip flexor stretches will help you do exactly that. The hip flexors are a group of muscles that are found at the tops of your thighs and they connect the leg to the hip. Any sort of movement that your lower body undertakes, which includes sitting…
There are five major training methods that vary according to the needs of the person involved in physical activity. How to find which of them suits you most? There is a multitude of training methods to choose from. This makes finding the method that works for you a difficult process. Many studies and health professionals recommend daily exercise. We find many people carrying…
Each skin type has different maintenance needs. Your skin is the first thing everyone notices. Of course, it must be in tiptop shape. This guide tells you about the different skin types and how to find yours. We bring you a few sought-after skincare tips too. What you should know about different skin types You've probably heard that skin can have different types,…
Having acne can really get you down, I know because I’ve been there. I’ve tried countless ways to make a face mask for acne and can confidently say that this roundup of recipes is the best that I’ve found to date. Better yet, most of these face masks for acne can be made using ingredients you can find in your kitchen cupboard. Here…
If you have dry skin, you have probably struggled enough with trying to make it smooth and soft. Today, we will discuss what causes the skin to be dry and how it can be fixed with natural remedies. It is that time of year again where we crank up the central heating, add more wood to the fire and layer up on clothes…
It is entirely possible that you haven’t heard of the piriformis muscle, and for that matter the piriformis stretch. How to perform it the right way? Hopefully though, by the end of this article, you will know what it is, where it is, why you should stretch, and how to perform the piriformis stretch safely to reap the benefits. The piriformis muscle itself…
You can fight aging and look younger without buying expensive anti-aging products and treatments. Read on to learn how. There is an incredible number of anti-aging products on the market and new ‘breakthroughs’ in anti-aging technology seem to be made every other day. Yet, there are some simple ways to fight aging and look younger – just a few lifestyle changes are enough.…