Inspirational articles about people and events that make our world a better place to live in. Heart-warming stories and positive news that will revive your belief in the good in people.


What Is Love? Husband Creates Lovely Illustrations for His Wife

What is Love? Love is a little thing that most of us can relate to. It comes in the ways that we easily overlook in our daily lives. We, therefore, can find love in the simple things that we do. Love may take different forms and shapes and is often far from what is projected of the movies. It is both the sweet…

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Heartbreaking facebook post

Man Writes a Heartbreaking Facebook Post When He Finds out His Wife Has Been Cheating for 10 Years

We promise you that this Facebook post will make you reconsider everything about your life. We all know the saying, "life is too short" and more often than not it takes something monumental for this statement to sink in. It's so easy to look at others, particularly on social media and thinks their life is full of love, happiness, friends, babies, and enjoyment.…

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kind people happy

Kind People Often Fail at Being Happy and There Are 5 Reasons Why

Kind people are some of the most beautiful and interesting souls. Unfortunately, they're not as happy as they may seem. I know several kind people who are giving and patient. When I look at them I see a smile, a soft voice, and quiet demeanor - it seems they are happy. I suppose doing things for others and always being there makes a…

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being yourself

8 Things That Happen When You Stop Being Afraid of Being Yourself

Being yourself is about being honest with yourself and other people. Being afraid of being yourself means that your life doesn’t align with your true needs. When you stop being afraid of being yourself, your internal and external reality transforms. Here are 8 miracles that will happen as soon as you do: 1. You accept yourself When you stop being afraid of being…

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Quotes Famous Authors Believe Yourself

15 Quotes by Famous Authors That Will Make You Believe in Yourself

These quotes by famous authors will inspire you and help you build up your self-confidence. Whether you like to read books and quotes by famous authors or not, let me ask you a question. How many life-changing occasions have you missed because of your low self-esteem? This is a common question today. Many people find themselves wondering that. Are we brave enough to…

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This touching story about a bullied boy shows how one small gesture can save someone’s life

This Touching Story about a Bullied Boy Shows How a Small Gesture Can Save Someone’s Life

This is a touching story about a boy called Kyle and how one kind act can change someone’s life. There was a boy in high school and one day he saw a boy from his class, called Kyle, walking home having been in school. Kyle was carrying all his books from school. The boy thought “why would he be taking all his books…

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wildlife images konsta punkka 3

The Soul of the Forest Captured in Unique Wildlife Images by 21-Year-Old Finnish Photographer

These wildlife images by a young man from Finland will leave you astonished... I love photography, and I have been drawn to close-up shots of all sorts of things. Just the other day, I went out taking pictures with my son, moving into the intimate spaces of a nearby cemetery. Amongst the crumbling stones, I found the perfect object to capture - a…

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Stages of drunkenness

The 5 Stages of Drunkenness Shown in 100-Year-Old Photos

These five photographs by a talented photographer from the mid-19th century portray the stages of drunkenness. Since our cave ancestors had the first taste of overripe pear or plum and swallowed the alcohol-rich fruits they figured out that there is something strange in this new sensation. The human race is enjoying the benefits of ethanol, ethyl alcohol, or simply ... alcohol for millennia…

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