Healthy Smartphone Habits

4 Healthy Smartphone Habits You Should Adopt to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Smartphones have made it easier than ever to stay connected to the people you love. They've also made it easier for clients and bosses to contact you. That can create a lot of anxiety for people who are dedicated to their jobs. If constant contact is starting to make you feel anxious, then you should consider adopting these smartphone habits: Track How You…

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Destinations for Romantic Getaways

12 Best Destinations for Romantic Getaways with Your Loved One

We love each other but somewhere in our daily routine forget to express it often and hence, it becomes important to take time off from our busy schedules and take a vacation. A good destination plays a crucial role in giving you a relaxed and rejuvenated time. From wine yard country retreats to beach paradises, we bring you a super cool list of…

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Things Should Stop Letting People Do

20 Things You Should Finally Stop Letting People Do to You

This is a person’s life and sometimes they need to take a stand. Even though they have no control over the things done to them, they can choose not to be lessened by them. They can decide not to let the opinions and actions of others occupy their mind and heart. They have control over who they stand beside and who to let…

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Two Foods Responsible for Mental Health Issues

These Two Foods May Be Responsible for Your Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues are a huge concern in today’s world that affect a worrying amount of us across the globe. Neuropsychiatric disorders are responsible for 13% of the world’s disease according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Mental Health Foundation claims depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide with 40 million years of disability among 20-29-year-olds due to behavioral issues…

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Key to a Long and Happy Life

What Is the Key to a Long and Happy Life?

Would you Like to Know the Key to a Long and Happy Life? Let's Take a Look at the Lifestyle of Supercentenarians. Supercentenarians are enigmatic in our society. Cigar swilling grandmas chock-full of pasta, bacon, and alcohol represent the dream of living forever. They promise a life without worry about health or slowing down or early death. We will try to emulate their…

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Home Improvements - Value to Your Home

Home Improvements That Add the Most Value to Your Home – Infographic

Your home is your castle, right? Well, so the saying goes anyway. However, it pretty much is true especially when you have poured your hard earned cash into a building or buying the place and you call it home. Some people build or buy their homes with the idea that they will stay there in that location forever but things change: kids grow…

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Degradable Algae Water Bottle

This Degradable Algae Water Bottle Breaks Down As Soon As It’s Empty

Algae Water Bottle. An Innovative Degradable Drinks Bottle Pollution is a steadily rising issue in today’s world with Mexico City. Mexico, recently having to act upon serious levels of pollution and even environmentally conscious Portland, America has been struck by findings of poisonous heavy metals in the air and ground. More worryingly, studies are linking environmental pollution to diseases and even death. The…

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Health Benefits of Love

11 Surprising Health Benefits of Love You Didn’t Know about

Did you know that love can actually boost your well-being? Take a look at this infographic to learn about the proven health benefits of love. Spring is in the air. As the temperatures rise and the flowers burst forth, our thoughts are naturally turning to love. Have you noticed? People in love seem to glow from within. They step more lightly and handle…

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