Foods that Help with Anxiety

A Full List of Foods That Help with Anxiety, and Those That Make It Worse

Have you noticed that eating certain foods may help with anxiety while some others make it worse? Well, I can show you what helps and what doesn’t. Most of us know how serious anxiety can get. Just as depression keeps us from reaching our full potential, anxiety can do much of the same damage, just in a different way. Medicines are prescribed for…

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Bad Habits Anxiety

Bad Habits You Thought Helped You Cope with Your Anxiety That Actually Make It Worse

Bad habits grow from good intentions. These things, which you thought were healthy, do not help anxiety at all, so stop. I guess I’ve created a large number of bad habits considering my lifelong struggle with anxiety, and these were not habits born from rebellion or laziness. I tried so hard to self-medicate and treat my anxiety – sometimes I tried sleeping it off and sometimes ignoring…

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Naturally Reduce Cortisol

Naturally Reduce Cortisol to Beat Stress and Anxiety in 5 Minutes!

You can reduce cortisol levels easier than you think. It all revolves around how you deal with stress and anxiety Stress and anxiety are killers, literally. They can do life-long damage to your body in more ways than one. But I won’t focus on that today, instead, I want to talk about the effects of cortisol and how to keep it regulated. It…

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Kind-Hearted Attracts Toxic People

There’s a Reason Why Being Kind-Hearted Attracts Toxic People

Kind-hearted people are magnets for toxic ones. There are reasons why bad people are drawn to those who try to live a moral life. I used to be kind-hearted, going out of my way to help others, forgiving easily and loving hard. But I’m re-evaluating my standpoint. Maybe it’s time I brought the hammer down on toxic people! They have all but made…

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Why is Music Important

Why Is Music Important to Human Beings?

It’s a question which makes us dig deeper into who we are. Why is music important to human beings? Maybe it’s just like breathing. Although music is an art form, it’s so much more than that. It reaches places where no ordinary mode of speech can travel, and it brings out things that we never knew existed within ourselves. It is almost as…

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stay positive

Saying Stay Positive. You Know, This Advice Doesn’t Always Work!

When you tell me to stay positive, it doesn’t have the effect that you think it does. In fact, sometimes it doesn’t work at all. I’ve had a colorful life, filled with various opinions on subjects ranging from health to happiness. But what it all boils down to are two distinct viewpoints: negativity and positivity. While there were uncles who always saw the glass…

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Emotional Blackmail Manipulated Partner

Emotional Blackmail: Are You Being Manipulated by Your Partner?

Emotional blackmail is the word you’re looking for. You’ve been searching all this time for what was happening to you, and this is it! I’m sorry to break it to you, but you’re being manipulated. You are the victim of emotional blackmail and it has almost completely destroyed your self-esteem.But But it’s not too late. I suggest you look within, learn who you are…

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Toxic Family Members

Toxic Family Members and How to Recognize Them

The words "toxic family members"make my stomach turn. Let me help you recognize these people and improve your relationship with them. First off, it’s hard to talk about something that has impacted my life with such fierce control. This is especially true if you’re still dealing with said toxic family members. Oftentimes, I’d rather talk about something else to keep from becoming overwhelmed…

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