Habits - Living The Life You Want

5 Habits That Guarantee You’re Living The Life You Really Want

Each day you get up and wonder, “Am I living the life I want?” It’s a good question, possibly the best question you could ask yourself. After all, you don’t want to wake up years from now only to realize that you’re disappointed with not only what you did, but also what you DIDN’T do in life. The question is – is there…

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How Would Our Life Be Without Paper?

From the moment you wake up in the morning, the paper is a part of your life. But what if one-morning paper didn’t exist? Interested in helping the environment? I read about this project that the 4/5 classroom created. The main idea is to conserve energy and help the environment. So, without using paper, I asked myself, well, if you switch to electronics…

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lucid dream

How to Maintain a Lucid Dream

Okay, so you’ve experienced a lucid dream. That’s great, but how long did you remain in a lucid state for? Unfortunately, the first time you experience a lucid dream may not last very long. You may become aware of the lucidity, get excited and wake up as a result. This is completely normal. It is common for first time lucid dreamers to be…

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Beginning of a New Era – Producers Journey

Beginning of a New Era

Beginning of a New Era – Producers Journey There was tension in the air when the famous Mayan long count calendar ended in 2012 on the winter solstice. People around the world were aware that something unpredictable could be happening on that mystical date. Some feared it would be the end of the world. But with those who have been initiated were happy…

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the secrets of the universe

Is Nature A Gateway To Understanding The Secrets Of The Universe?

Any individual or organization that discourages or prohibits inquiry into nature, science, or the cosmos, should immediately cause red flags to rise, for the only reason for doing so is to subvert attention away from an opaque agenda. If you become Nature’s lover, Nature will surely give up all of its secrets to you… A family is a metaphor for the fractal organization…

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Mind Control -Turn Off Consciousness

Have Mind Control Scientists Found the “Switch” To Turn Off Consciousness?

A vast array of direct mind control techniques are being announced in the wake of investment from the government via the U.S. BRAIN project and Europe’s counterpart the Human Brain Project All told, billions of dollars are being spent to decide what makes us tick and how to change it. We are being given gadgets that create a brain-computer interface, magnetic manipulation via…

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Outcome Independent

Why You Need to be Outcome Independent

Just as it sounds, outcome independence is learning to be independent of the outcome of a situation, whether that situation is a date, a job interview, or a request for help. Doing so helps you to learn that the Universe is abundant. Too often, we worry about the outcome because we have a scarcity mentality. We worry that if we miss our chance…

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befriend your fear-responses

Befriend Your Fears – It’s More Than You Think

For the longest time in my life, I bemoaned the fact that fear never left my side. Everything I did, everywhere I went, everyone, I met was in the company of an unwanted companion who screamed in my ears and talked louder than anyone in the room. It made me uncomfortable, it stopped me from approaching people and situations and it had me…

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