Electronic Waste Where Does it All End Up

Electronic Waste: Where Does It All End Up? – Infographic

How much e-waste or e-scrap we are wasting every year? The answer is 20 to 50 million metric tons of electronic waste, and we only recycle 10% to 18% worldwide. Some of the most used electronics that are usually replaced are television, printers, portable devices like cellphones, USB, and music players. Although electronic waste is the fastest-growing portion of the municipal waste stream,…

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types of food you consume

Organic vs Conventional Eating – Infographic

Thinking about the types of food you consume can make a huge difference in your health and lifestyle. Organic food is not only more nutritious but it can actually save you money in the long run when you factor in healthcare cost over the years. Well.org have created this infographic from several recent health articles and authoritative sources to help you eat healthier.…

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How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Getting You Down – Infographic

Are all negative thoughts bad? Consciously challenge a negative thought about an event by coming up with alternate explanations for what caused it. Learning how to challenge your negative thinking takes time. Be patient and forgiving of yourself. Focusing on your strengths is also a good way to deal with it. You can identify one of your best traits and find a new…

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Avocado Tree

How to Grow an Avocado Tree for Endless Organic Avocados

Here’s a step-by-step guide to growing your own avocado tree. Avocados are highly nutritious and flavored, whether we’re talking about salad, guacamole, or straight up! They are a key staple for a nutritious and delicious diet. Try growing an avocado tree at home if you don’t like making regular trips to the grocery store for your daily supply of fresh avocados, can’t find…

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Superhuman Benefits of Meditation

26 Scientifically Proven Superhuman Benefits of Meditation

I have a confession to make… I know meditation is meant to be good for you but I don’t meditate every day. I go through cycles of meditating 20 minutes a day and then slowly ‘forget’ and slide into not meditating until I feel I need to — until I feel like crap. Sound familiar? But recently things have been different. For the last 30 days, I’ve…

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Mind Control

Mind Control Researchers Create Fake Link Between Unrelated Memories

Advancements in genetics and neuroscience are undoubtedly leading toward direct methods of mind control, albeit only with good intentions ... if government and establishment science can be believed. However, an array of hi-tech methods have been announced which show clear potential for negative manipulation. Bold claims have been made by scientists that they now can use "neural dust," high-powered lasers, and light beamed…

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Spiritual Gift

Which Spiritual Gift is Your Strongest?

There are four Spiritual Gifts or senses and we often all have one that is strongest…. Do you know when something is wrong even before you hear about it? Are you able to detect when the people around you are feeling upset or lying? Do you get feelings or sensations that you should or shouldn’t do something? This is your intuition and believe…

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How to Discover Who You Really Are

How to Discover Who You Really Are

Who am I? Everyone says that you should just ‘be yourself’ but what does that even mean? What does being yourself really feel like? The only way to know how to be yourself is to understand who you are at your deepest, core level. Who you are is not your job, your name or the labels you have given yourself through the years.…

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