Cheating on Your Partner

6 Ways You Are Subtly Cheating on Your Partner (Without Even Realizing It)

When it comes to cheating on a partner, most people imagine ultimate betrayal in an obvious way. The truth is that cheating can come in many more subtle forms, so subtle that some people don’t even realize that they are cheating. If you notice yourself doing any of these six things you may want to be careful and consider your actions. 1. When…

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Music Lover

8 Struggles That Only a Music Lover Will Understand

Are you a music lover? Then you will most probably relate to these struggles. For some, music may be just one of the many factors that help to make up their life, in addition to food, sports, movies and so much more. For is life itself! Do you ever feel slightly misunderstood by your friends who claim that they are not really…

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Relieve Sinus Pressure Fast Naturally

How to Relieve Sinus Pressure Fast & Naturally with These Fun Methods

Life is no fun when too much pressure is built up in your sinuses. You feel tired, less productive and often some pain. There are numerous ways to relieve sinus pressure, some involving medication and others involving complex processes like acupuncture. However, if your case is not too serious, there are some easy, and even fun, natural methods to try. Here are the…

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Gaining Respect

Why Gaining Respect Is Better Than Getting Attention

It seems like today, people seek attention more than anything else. However, respect is much more precious than attention, and here is why. We have a mainstream culture which supports instant gratification, from posting on Instagram only to count your “likes”, to fishing for approval when talking to others around you. Have you ever paid a compliment to a friend just to see…

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Your Personal Boundaries

5 Signs Your Personal Boundaries Are Too Weak (and How to Fix It)

Personal boundaries are important guidelines we set for ourselves in order to feel safe, secure and happy. These boundaries are formed based on many variables such as social experiences and personal preferences and can be physical, mental, spiritual and more. Some people form strong personal boundaries without even noticing, while others have to constantly work at defining these regulations. Some people may even…

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Angry Person in Your Life

9 Signs That an Angry Person in Your Life Is Actually Just Unhappy

We’ve all encountered an angry person at some point in our lives. It may be a family member who remains closed off and withdrawn or a neighbor with a tough exterior who never smiles. It may seem that these people are unreasonably angry when the truth of the matter is; they are just unhappy. When people are chronically unhappy, it’s hard for them…

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Intelligent Women

4 Reasons Why Starting a Family Can Be a Real Struggle for an Intelligent Woman

It seems that today's women struggle with starting a family more than ever. With this said, intelligent women, struggle twice as much. Intelligence comes in many forms and can be used in different ways. Some intelligent people devote their lives to the pursuit of knowledge through research while others spend their life working for the greater good by teaching or helping those in…

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Child of Overprotective Parents

10 Things Only a Child of Overprotective Parents Will Understand

If you are the child of overprotective parents, you know that it can be really complicated to do things that your friends take for granted. You can’t just casually tell your parents what you’re going to do as you’re walking out the door! If these ten things sound familiar to you, you are undoubtedly a child of overprotective parents. 1. It’s just easier…

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