Silent Treatment in a Relationship

Why Silent Treatment in a Relationship Is Damaging and How to Deal with It

Hands up who has given their partner the silent treatment in a relationship? Now let’s have another show of hands for all those that didn’t think it caused their partners any real pain? Would you be surprised to learn that silent treatment in a relationship causes actual physical pain? This is because ignoring someone activates the same area of the brain that responds…

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Trust Your Gut Feeling about Relationships

Should You Trust Your Gut Feeling about Relationships?

Should you trust your gut feeling about relationships? Go with your gut. Trust your gut feelings. Follow your instincts. How many times have we heard this advice? But is there such a thing as a gut feeling about relationships and can science prove it? Actually, there is scientific evidence that suggests gut feelings have a very solid biological base. And it’s all to…

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Why Do People Cheat

Why Do People Cheat on Their Loved Ones? 8 Psychological Reasons

Why do people cheat? You might think the answer is obvious. Surely, a lack of love for a partner must rank in the top spot. But psychologists have identified other reasons for cheating. And some might surprise you. There are various studies that research why people cheat. They range from personality, circumstances to low self-esteem and even anger. Here Are 8 Psychological Reasons…

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Zero Waste Living

Zero Waste Living: A Beginner’s Guide to Living a Waste-Free Life

Do you feel strongly about zero waste living? Do you find it hard to live a zero waste life and want some tips on reducing the amount of rubbish you produce? Well, I don’t pretend to know it all but I’ve been passionate about reducing waste for years. My ethos is - everything I buy has to work hard for my money. I…

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how to make people like you

How to Make People Like You with These 15 Psychological Hacks

Do you want to know how to make people like you? If so, did you know that scientists have researched this very subject and found psychological reasons why we naturally gravitate to some and not others? Some of their findings you might not have heard of and have fancy names like spontaneous trait transference. Others are more familiar like mirroring body language. So…

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Techniques for Personal Financial Planning

4 Techniques for Personal Financial Planning to Manage Your Money Like a Pro

If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d be doling out personal financial planning advice, I wouldn’t have believed you. For as long as I can remember, I have been in debt. This is partly because I manage on a very tight budget. But also because, to me, financial planning is for those that actually have money. It’s not for…

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Signs of Hoarding Disorder

10 Signs of Hoarding Disorder and 3 Psychological Causes behind It

We all like to keep precious mementos. They remind us of a treasured moment. But when does a desire to keep stuff tip over into a hoarding disorder? What are the signs that a person has gone from simply collecting items of value to hoarding? A person suffering from hoarding disorder: Feels unable to discard everyday items 1. Collects an excessive amount of…

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Co-dependent Parent Affects Children 2

3 Things a Co-dependent Parent Does and How It Affects Children

A co-dependent parent is usually an individual who did not get their emotional or physical needs met during childhood. This has led them to impose their needs onto their own children. Co-dependency is a psychological concept that refers to anyone who feels extremely dependent on their loved ones. This dependency makes a co-dependent parent feel completely responsible for their loved one's happiness and…

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