Washing hair every day is a waste of time

Why Washing Hair Every Day Is a Waste of Time

If you stop washing hair every day, it will have some benefits to your hair's health that you may not have thought of. I have really curly hair, so trying to make it look nice without washing my hair every day is a nightmare. While styling your hair when it's dry is best, it just makes my hair look like frizz. So I…

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Auroville Utopian Community India No Money Politics Religion

Auroville: An Utopian Community in India That Has No Money, Politics or Religion

Many probably won't have heard of Auroville in Pondicherry, India, but it currently houses over 10,000 people from all over the world. It is the world’s largest spiritual utopia. Auroville means “the City of Dawn”. The promise of a money-free existence, surrounded by people who believe in the energy, who wouldn’t want to live there. It was founded in 1968 by a French…

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Check Every Relationship in Your Life

Check Every Relationship in Your Life with These Three Simple Questions

Every relationship we have is a reflection of our state of being. Therapists have long been telling us that whom we surround ourselves with (our friends and partners) is often a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. For example, if we have friends who consistently let us down, cancel plans and are generally unreliable these people don’t care about our feelings. This…

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7 Personality Traits

7 Personality Traits Viewed as Flaws That Actually Make You More Endearing

Do you believe that you have some 'bad' personality traits? Below are some personality traits that shouldn’t be viewed as flaws but instead endearing traits that a lot of people “suffer” with. 1. You embarrass easily The physical signs of embarrassment are often worse than the event themselves. The flushed cheeks, the light sweating, perhaps even excessive chatter can lead people to surgery…

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Physical Traits Women Judge

8 Physical Traits Women Judge Male Attractiveness by, According to Science

Do you know what physical traits women are more attracted to? Science finally gives the answer! Personality is key if a relationship is to last long term however there are certain physical traits that a woman will judge a man by before she will go on a date with him. 1. Facial hair A study undertaken in Australia concluded that men who have…

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How to Make Your Own Mouthwash

How to Make Your Own Mouthwash to Stop Using Toxic Branded Products

Do you want to stop using the famous brands and make your own mouthwash? This mouthwash DIY will learn you how. Mouthwash is recommended by most dentists to be used daily as part of your oral routine. But according to some recent studies undertaken, the mouthwashes available on the high street today may be doing more damage than good. These studies have indicated…

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Superpowers All Women Have

10 Superpowers All Women Have, According to Science

You may be surprised if you learn what superpowers all women have. Women are misunderstood; the saying, “men are from Venue and women are from Mars” rings true but in a good way. All women possess countless abilities and superpowers, that only now do we understand fully. 10. Women can spot cheaters immediately Women can spot a cheating man just by looking at…

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Book Readers Are the Best People to Fall in Love

Book Readers Are the Best People to Fall in Love with, According To Science

Book readers, sadly are a dying breed. They are slowly being replaced with online tabloid websites. Book readers will usually fall into two categories, the skim reader, and the deep reader. The “deep reader”, is someone who can be described as actually finishing a book, from cover to cover. They absorb the whole story and cherish the time spent with the characters, these…

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