Why Family Meals Are Important

Why Family Meals Are Important and Three Ways to Make Them Fun

It is easy to underestimate the importance of family meals, especially when getting everyone together can be a challenge. For many parents, the phrase family meals can be intimidating. Young children rarely want to sit at the table during meal times, and busy schedules make it hard to find the time. Parents are constantly on the go, so finding the time and energy to…

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What Is Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating: How to Practice It for Health and Beauty

Intuitive eating is the process of tuning into your body’s unique needs for specific foods and nutrients. How can you benefit from it? The word ‘diet’ is enough to make anyone shudder. Keeping to a strict regime of low calorie, low fun food can be so much harder than it needs to be. Instead, to really make the difference to our health, we…

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family christmas traditions

Family Christmas Traditions from Around the World You Are Gonna Love

Family Christmas traditions are one of the best parts of the holidays, but no one’s Christmas is exactly alike. Everyone has their own family Christmas traditions, but around the world, everyone celebrates differently. At Christmas time, I think it is important to develop an understanding of each other. One way to do this is to understand how other cultures celebrate Christmas. Each country…

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What Is Agape Love

What Is Agape Love and How to Practice It in Everyday Life

Agape love is one of the many kinds of love that philosophers have defined when trying to understand how we love and why. There are numerous references to agape love in religious literature, ancient philosophy, and even contemporary philosophy, but each offers its own slight variation on what agape love is. Agape love is different from eros love, which refers to sexual love,…

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Good Conversation Starters

5 Good Conversation Starters for People Who Value Deep Communication

Forging a deep connection starts with deep conversations, which require good conversation starters. Good conversation starters are hard to find. When developing a relationship, creating a deep connection can feel difficult. This is especially true when we don’t know the other person very well as we can feel a little awkward and uncomfortable. First dates can be filled with self-conscious small talk and…

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Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Why Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships Is Important

Boundaries in relationships are key for success, but setting them can be difficult. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when a relationship starts. When someone captivates us, we tend to spend as much time as we can with him or her. As the relationship grows, we want to show them different parts of our lives and introduce them to friends and family. This can…

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How to Reply to a Compliment

How to Reply to a Compliment When You Are an Introvert Who Hates Praise

When praise makes you cringe, it can be really hard to find a good reply to a compliment without coming across as awkward or rude. Knowing how to reply to a compliment properly is a great tool in your personal and professional life. Proper receipt of compliments shows that you know you are good at your job without seeming over-confident. The trick is…

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Signs You Have Separation Anxiety

7 Signs You Have Separation Anxiety, What Causes It and How to Overcome It

Separation anxiety is most commonly found in infants and toddlers and typically manifests itself in distress about being away from home or close caregivers. Most children grow out of this by the age of three, but it can develop later in life to cause significant problems when leaving to go to school or work. Separation anxiety in adults can seriously impact your day-to-day…

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