Attachment Parenting

What Is Attachment Parenting and What Are Its Positive and Negative Effects

Healthy attachment parenting is a must for the child’s personality development and good mental health later in life. In a very simple definition, an attachment is a relationship or affective bond that develops between two or more individuals. In this article, we are talking about the attachment parenting and the emotional bond that the child develops with his/her family. Considered the strongest attachment…

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Ways a Man in Love Behaves Differently

7 Ways a Man in Love Behaves Differently Than a Woman in Love

I bet you have often wondered why a man in love is so different than a woman in love. There are some good reasons why the behavior varies between the sexes. This is not just an opinion, but even researchers have scientifically demonstrated that a man in love acts differently than a woman in love. Firstly, when a man falls in love with…

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Psychological Causes of Jealousy in Relationships

7 Psychological Causes of Jealousy in Relationships & How to Deal with It

One of the biggest psychological problems that both women and men deal with is jealousy in relationships. So what are its hidden causes? The sense of jealousy, as long as it is kept under control and remains within the limits of common sense, may be beneficial. It is a sort of proof of love for our partner. However, when jealousy in relationships is…

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Underestimated Qualities of a Shy Guy

10 Underestimated Qualities of a Shy Guy (and What You Should Know Before Dating One)

Contrary to society’s wrong perceptions, a relationship with a shy guy can be happy and rewarding due to his underestimated qualities. For many years, society has portrayed the ideal husband/boyfriend as a confident, strong, dominant and fearless man. While those qualities may indeed inspire security and safety, they do not always describe the character of a loving partner, who can happen to be…

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