Ashitaba tea is a type of tea that you may not be too familiar with yet. However, you will likely be hearing much more about it as it is taking the market by storm.
Ashitaba tea is from Japan. It has been popular there for a long time due to its healing powers. Ashitaba contains 11 vitamins, 13 minerals and other health-enhancing elements, like protein, saponins, and coumarins.
It is typically sold in powdered form and used to make a bitter yet nutty flavored tea. However, it is really picking up steam because of all the benefits that it has to offer.
Overall Health Benefits
While Ashitaba tea can help with some specific ailments, it is also just beneficial for whole body health, which makes it great for everyone who wants to get healthy. It can boost the immune system, helping you to avoid general illness.
It purifies the blood, which also helps to improve the look of your skin. In addition, it has anti-aging properties to not only give you a healthy glow but to plump your skin and reduce fine lines.
It also cleanses the body of toxins. This aids the kidneys in their function and assists the liver for whole body cleansing. It is also good for pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
It can be great for reducing chronic pain and joint issues due to inflammation.
Treatment of Specific Conditions
If you are suffering from a specific condition, Ashitaba can be very beneficial. Due to its properties, this tea can help lower blood sugar, which makes it a great dietary addition for those with diabetes.
It can make it much easier to control this disease and reduce dependence on insulin. It is also great for speeding the metabolism, which can aid in weight loss. Part of controlling diabetes involves maintain a healthy weight, so this tea can be used to assist with that, too.
It is great for people who suffer from allergies. The tea can fight hay fever and other general allergies, along with helping to reduce the symptoms of asthma.
When you drink Ashitaba tea, you also can use it to help fight cancer, increase breast milk and fix issues with constipation.
This tea is very well-rounded in the benefits it offers as it also helps with gout, heartburn and fluid retention. It even is great to have around if you want to fight the common cold. It has even been related to helping increase sperm count.
Furthermore, it is important to note that as with any natural healing agent or treatment, the use of Ashitaba tea to help with health conditions should be discussed with your doctor.
Even natural products can interact with medications, so you always want to error on the side of caution.
Using Ashitaba tea can be one way to boost your health. The many benefits are time tested through centuries of Japanese culture. In Japan, this tea is widely respected.
As it takes over the market here, you, too, can reap the benefits and start to live a healthier life all thanks to this amazing healing herb.