Many people think that you can stop your acne skin care if you are spending much time outdoors in the summer. Is it true?

Your skin is the largest of your body’s organs. It is comprised of three main layers: epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous tissue.

You lose between 30,000 and 40,000 skin cells almost every minute, without even noticing. Skin is vital for protecting your organs and preventing illness, so it’s important to take good care of it.

Many people believe that being in the sun helps to cure acne. But is this actually true?

The Sun and Acne

The above statement is actually a very dangerous myth and one you should avoid at all costs.

In the 1950s, doctors believed sun lamps and the sun could help cure acne because of the bacteria in the skin which caused it was targeted by the antiseptic effects of UV rays. That’s why older generations may still tell you that to improve your acne skin care routine, you need head outside into the sun’s rays.

However, thankfully, science has come on leaps and bounds over the last fifty or so years, and it has revealed a number of things.

Modern Science and Acne

Firstly, the sun does make the redness of acne disappear. It does this by suppressing the immune system, which, in turn, will suppress the immune cells in acne. Since it is these cells that cause all the redness associated with this skin condition, it does help to give the impression that it’s cured acne.

But all may not be as it seems. The redness has been reduced because you’re reducing the inflammatory response. However, because it suppresses the immune system, it can also make you more vulnerable to skin cancer, because your immune system isn’t able to fight those tough cancer cells as efficiently. Furthermore, tanning also creates a pigment in your skin, which is what turns it dark. This means, the chances are, you’re not actually treating the redness of your skin, you’re just masking it.

It’s important to remember that acne is a skin disorder that has a number of factors contributing to it. These are inflammation, bacteria issues, sticker sebum, and overactive sebaceous glands, and blocked follicles. When you’re exposed to the sun, your skin will dehydrate. This makes the skin produce more oil to try and rehydrate itself, which can increase your risk of another breakout.

The moral of the story? You still need acne skin care, even if you are spending time outdoors this summer.

Think Before You Tan

A little over a century ago, pale skin was considered attractive and anyone who did not have a tan was considered to be a member of the aristocracy. These days, in the Western world, many people associate a year-round bronzed body with beauty, confidence and good health, but this is not necessarily the case.

Choosing the Right Sunscreen

If you suffer from acne and you want to spend some time in the sun, it’s important that you choose a high-quality sunscreen. When choosing a sunscreen, there are some important factors to take into consideration, such as:

  1. SPF (Sunburn Protection Factor) rating: an indicator of how effective a sunscreen is at protecting skin against ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. An SPF of 30 and above is recommended for anyone who is going to be outdoors for more than two hours, with high sun exposure.
  2. Broad spectrum: this shows a sunscreen offers effective protection against UVB and UVA.
  3. Water resistant: no sunblock is completely sweating or water resistant. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines do allow products to claim they are water or sweat resistant for 40 or 80 minutes.

Sunscreens That Won’t Cause Acne

Some sunscreens are very oily, which if you’re prone to acne, can lead to a flare-up. If you have super-sensitive skin and you want a sunblock that is gentle, look for organic products that don’t contain harsh chemicals like Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) / Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Parabens, Phthalates, Formaldehyde, Synthetic fragrances, and Propylene glycol.

Instead, look for products containing natural ingredients are kind to the skin and won’t cause health risks. The best ones are so gentle that they are even safe to use on infants. Also, look for organic substances are biodegradable and environment-friendly. Because they work better than their chemical counterparts, they will not encourage acne and you will notice that your skin looks better than ever before.

Treat your skin kindly this summer whether you’re on the beach or in your own backyard. Continue your acne skin care throughout the summer months and when you’re outdoors, wear a sensitive sunscreen with a high-protection-factor.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Lifeadvancer User Avatar

    Thanks for this article. A lot of great advice here, and I can fully agree that products with natural ingredients are the most suitable for the skin and won’t usually cause health risks. -Nicky

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