7 Top Self-Improvement Apps to Achieve Your Goals

Published by
Valerie Soleil, B.A., LL.B.

Are you constantly mad at the entire world? You watch the news and witness how humanity has taken the wrong turn?

You wish you could make a change, but you don’t know where to start? Here is a suggestion: start improving yourself!

Imagine where you want to be in ten years. How can you make the world a better place? No matter what your goals are, there are certain things you can do right now in order to achieve them in the future. First of all, you should think about becoming a better student, a better friend, and a better achiever.

These are the apps and websites that will support you on the way to achieve your goals:

1. Lifetick

If you are not exactly aware of your life goals, it’s time to get in touch with the ‘real you’. This app enables you to set simple goals and track your progress. However, it also enables you to discover and establish your essential values.

You will capture all dreams and try to think of ways to turn them into reality. Lifetick enables you to track different areas of your life and develop habits that lead you to success.

2. Focus Booster

Getting things done’ can be very difficult in these techno-centric times; constant updates from different platforms can ruin your productivity. Focus booster is a simple solution that will increase your productivity by implementing the Pomodoro technique.

The Pomodoro Technique has been around a while and simply stipulates breaking work down in 25 minutes intervals followed by breaks. Focus booster is simply a digital version that implements the technique with a few other cool features to keep you focused and give your productivity a boost.

3. Duolingo

Mastering a new language is a big part of your self-improvement journey. You’ll learn much more than words and grammar; you’ll also become aware of another culture and you’ll get to communicate with people from different countries.

Duolingo is a great language learning platform. It provides free lessons, as well as listening, speaking, and translation challenges. You can choose to start learning one or more of the featured languages, including German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and more.

4. Happier

One way of making the world a better place is by sending positive vibes around you. Happier is an app that enables you to share good moments with simple notes or photos. It won’t take you long before you start noticing that happy things are everywhere you look at.

The clouds, the rain, a book you forgot you had… everything can make you smile!

5. Simply Being

The key to self-improvement is in your mindset. You are facing a huge load of stress every single day. If you get carried away by that state of mind, you will only get frustrated and depressed. Simply Being is an app that will help you calm down.

Choose guided meditation of the length you prefer, and you can finally relax. If you practice regularly, you’ll notice that the state of relaxation expands throughout the entire day.

6. Lumosity

This app trains different functions of your brain to improve its focus, speed, flexibility, memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. You’ll love the simple games that become more challenging as you progress. The best part is that your sharpness will evolve if you achieve your goals on Lumosity every day.

7. Workout Trainer

How many times have you included the point “getting fit” in your New Year’s resolution? This is not a selfish goal; the more attention you give to yourself, the more greatness you’ll radiate around you.

The Workout Trainer is an app that will keep you motivated to get moving on a regular basis. You can choose from the offered workouts and combine the routine with your favorite music. With time, you’ll start feeling better in your own skin.

Are you ready to start making progress towards the best person you can be?

Use the 7 apps listed above to achieve your goals and continue your search for self-improvement tools.

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Published by
Valerie Soleil, B.A., LL.B.