Categories: Food and Nutrition

These 6 Foods Behave Like Addictive Drugs

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

Addictive drugs aren’t exclusive to street drugs or prescription medications. Sometimes foods can be just harmful.

Exorphins, chemicals found in certain foods, can mimic the effects of addictive drugs. Since we know this, strategies are being developed to save our health from these harmful foods, or rather the inability to utilize moderation.

So, here’s the magic question: Which foods contain this potentially deadly chemical? A company called Big Foods, maker of processed products, understand what exorphins do. That’s because they cram this chemical into their foods and thus, cram it down our throats in the process, well, the ones who eat this stuff anyway.

Here’s how it hooks us.

Ingredients are manipulated which then stimulate our appetites. You can see the cycle, as overeating occurs due to the constant hunger driven by dosages of exorphins with our food. After much of this experience, we will easily search for more foods like this. It becomes instinct.

Educating yourself about certain foods like this can help you stop overeating and get control of the situation. To get a true perspective of just how dire the situation has become, you can check out The End of Overeating by former commissioner of the FDA, Dr. David Kessler.

The Culprits

In the meantime, here are a few common foods that can contain addicting chemicals. You will want to be careful when making your future food purchases.


One of the hardest foods to give up is cheese. This product, part of the dairy food group, is full of chemicals that act like addictive drugs. In fact, the same medications used to prevent drug overdoses in hospitals can also eliminate the desire for cheese. Now that has to speak volumes about this strange addiction of dairy.

Dairy products are full of opioids and casomorphins. This can be seen in our actions concerning cheese consumption, as we eat much more cheese now than we ever did before.


Something happened that made the sale and consumption of meat decrease – ham by 10%, tuna by 50%, and salami by 25%. This is because opioid receptors were blocked when a group of meat-eaters was given certain medications. It seems that meat activates these receptors because of gamma globulin, albumin, and hemoglobin.

Wheat and rice

It’s a trap! When you reach for your third roll, then you know something is keeping you hooked. Wheat and rice apparently are choked full of Gliadin, a protein that acts like an opioid. Like addictive drugs, these chemicals don’t stop until you are bloated from overeating.

Sugar and fat

Have you ever seen a rat on morphine? What about cocaine? If you have, then it’s similar to a rat who consumes cookies, such as Oreos. Oreos have high sugar and fat content, which creates a high much like doing hard drugs. Now, I know you’ve heard the phrase, “sugar high”. That’s no joke. It’s the same with eating donuts because mixing sugar and fat is a highly addictive concoction.

If you feed a baby a sugary treat, pay close attention. They will stare at the one who gave them the treat and ignore any other people in the room. This shows how young someone can be when they become addicted to food drugs. The combination of sugar and fat in chocolate is what probably makes this luxurious treat so darned addictive.

Here are a few ways to resist these temptations.

In order to win the war on food addictive drugs, you must have a strategy. There are several ways you can begin your journey to freedom from this sugar-induced, fat slathered nightmare. Take notes.

  • Eliminate the majority of foods that contain fat, sugar, wheat, and dairy. Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!

H/T: mindbodygreen

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.