How to Get Motivated to Keep Going

How to Get Motivated When You Are Feeling Low or Depressed

Perhaps you’re thinking right now that there isn’t too much you can do to get motivated when you are in low spirits, but you couldn’t be more wrong! That’s right, there are lots of (easy) things you could do to get your motivation back, and we are bringing some of them to you right here. You’ll soon be able to push away all…

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Relaxation Techniques Increase Productivity

6 Relaxation Techniques That Will Increase Your Productivity

Relaxation techniques can really help you with your everyday stress. Our schedules have become a series of running from one task or activity to the next. Demands on our time are really quite outrageous, so it makes sense why we have time neither for relaxation techniques nor any other self-soothing activities! We do not get enough sleep; we are inhaling caffeine and energy drinks…

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Natural Ways To Handle Stress

Top 5 Natural Ways to Handle Stress, Tension and Anxiety

Stress is an epidemic that everyone succumbs to in life at least once. When you come under stress, your body sets off an alarm as if it is in danger, triggering a flight or fight response. Handling stress is essential to enjoying your life in a smooth way, without physical, physiological, and psychological obstacles. There are easy to do things which when incorporated…

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Easy Tips To Master The Law of Attraction

10 Easy Tips To Master The Law of Attraction

The rich will become richer and the poor, the poorer. Why does this happen? The answer is simple – the law of attraction. You attract what you think. The concept of the law of attraction has been in existence ever since time unknown with pioneers like Newton and Einstein underlining its importance. However, it was with “Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace. D. Wattles…

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Types of Meditation

7 Types of Meditation: Which One Is Best for You?

Thousands of people have begun the journey of personal health. To achieve the maximum level of health one must eat well, exercise regularly, and improve their mental well-being. People struggle most often to improve their mental well-being because it is the most ambiguous and hardest to see tangible results. Meditation is the best way to mentally reduce stress and develop an air of…

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Visualization Techique-Imagination

Visualization Technique: The Future Self Movie

Visualization is a very powerful technique because the brain cannot distinguish imagination from the reality we experience - thus believes that whatever we imagine is the reality? If used carefully can yield amazing results in our character, our behavior, and situations we experience. We present you a visualization technique where all the senses are used, and which you can use in your everyday life.…

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50 Tricks to Get Things Done Faster, Better, and More Easily

50 Tricks to Get Things Done Faster, Better, and More Easily

We all want to get stuff done, whether it’s the work we have to do so we can get on with what we want to do, or indeed, the projects we feel are our purpose in life. To that end, here’s a collection of 50 hacks, tips, tricks, and mnemonic devices I’ve collected that can help you work better. 1. Most Important Tasks…

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