Attachment Styles How They Govern Your Relationships

4 Attachment Styles and How They Govern Your Relationships

Insecure attachment styles prevent a person from forming healthy emotional connections. What attachment style do you have? Do you try to start new relationships but come up blank? Is finding friends difficult for you? Do you have trouble relating to your business associates? Some people feel that health and well-being are the keys to happiness. Others believe that a person's joy stems from…

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Improve Your Relationship Using Mindfulness

How to Improve Your Relationship with the Help of Mindfulness

Are you looking for ways to improve your relationship? Mindfulness is the key to improving many areas of your life, including relationships! If it would have been a few months ago I wouldn’t have noticed how her shoulders or her gaze dropped as she mentioned her cat. Instead, I would have been waiting for it to be my turn and started in on…

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7 Personality Traits

7 Personality Traits Viewed as Flaws That Actually Make You More Endearing

Do you believe that you have some 'bad' personality traits? Below are some personality traits that shouldn’t be viewed as flaws but instead endearing traits that a lot of people “suffer” with. 1. You embarrass easily The physical signs of embarrassment are often worse than the event themselves. The flushed cheeks, the light sweating, perhaps even excessive chatter can lead people to surgery…

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People Who Seem Emotionally Detached

Struggles of Emotionally Detached but Secretly Sensitive People

Are you that one emotionally detached person who at the same is affectionate? Having two separate sides to your personality can be difficult. Particularly when you’re an emotionally detached person, hard shell on the outside and secretly affectionate on the inside, with few special people. Here are ten struggles only those people face: 1. People base your relationship on your level of PDA…

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Friends and Other People Mistreat You

5 Reasons Why Your Friends and Other People Mistreat You

Do your friends or people in your circle mistreat you? In this article, you will learn why this happens and how to stop anyone from doing it. Friendships are always very different and unique. We all have friends! Some of us have a lot of them; some of us have only a few, but human interactions and building connections are in our nature…

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Independent woman

Being an Independent Woman Comes with These 4 Struggles

Being an independent woman isn't always easy. Before we talk about being an independent woman, let me say a couple of words about myself. I’ve always thought that being single (either a single mom or just plain single, no husband, partner whatsoever) is a curse in our family. My mother, my sister, my closest aunt, and most of the women in the family…

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Things I Learned about Introverts

10 Things I Learned about Introverts After Two Years of Living with an Introverted Roommate

In this article, I will try to explain, based on my experience, why introverts are awesome personalities. I am an extrovert. I admit it, I embrace it and I like it. Never does anyone stay a stranger in my presence very long. To me, people, noise, and rather constant activity is a way of life. After graduating from college, I moved to a…

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Social Situations confidence

Expressing Yourself and Showing Confidence in New Social Situations

Do you ever wish you could take charge of all kinds of social situations? Let's take a look at how to be more confident, shall we? Here is what's supposed to happen in social situations: Usually, when you meet new people, you exude grace and you show your true feelings. You are open, allowing those new people to see you as a transparent…

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