Poor Nutrition Mental Disorders

The Link Between Poor Nutrition and Mental Disorders No One Talks about

What if I told you that your poor nutrition may be responsible for your mental health issues? Various studies show the link between the two. Diets have always been discussed and debated as a way to improve health with no clear outcomes. Losing weight, looking and feeling better, having more energy and sleeping better are all objectives when starting a diet. But what…

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Natural Depression Treatments Keep Away Heavy Medication

10 Natural Depression Treatments That Will Keep You Away from Heavy Medication

These natural depression treatments will help you to find yourself again while staying away from the harmful effects of antidepressants. Ever since our existence, we the humans are always seeking for new natural ways to heal ourselves, including natural depression treatments. Nature has been taking care of our health and inner balance for centuries. Unfortunately, with the expansion of modern medicine, natural treatment…

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How to Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally

How to Increase Your Serotonin Levels Naturally to Stop Feeling Sad, Depressed and Bad-Tempered

It is possible to increase your serotonin levels naturally – here is how! Serotonin is an important brain chemical that helps to improve mood and stops feelings of depression and anxiety. That's why when we have low serotonin levels, our emotional state may suffer. This is a molecule of willpower and its deficiency can lead to the inability to create and take actions…

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