DIY Bug Spray

How to Make a DIY Bug Spray That Really Works and Is 100% Natural

This summer, consider making a DIY bug spray as it’s a much healthier choice than the repellents which are readily available in the market. With summer upon us, unfortunately, most of us will be troubled by the dreaded bugs that accompany our coveted summer. Whilst there are plenty of bug sprays in the shops a lot of them contain harmful chemicals that are…

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How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes with Fast and Natural Methods

In this summer period, many of us wonder how to get rid of mosquitoes. The point is, however, to use natural methods and avoid harsh chemicals. Mosquitoes are genetically programmed to have a desire for mammal blood, both human and animal. This means that they need to feed on us in order to be able to continue their existence. But the bites themselves…

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How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites

How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites and Stop the Itching Naturally and Fast

Summertime brings fun outdoor activities, cool drinks, and….unfortunately, mosquitos. However, there are some effective and natural methods to get rid of mosquito bites and stop them from itching. Why do mosquito bites itch? Well, as you know, mosquitoes survive by feeding on the animal and human blood and this may not only cause scars and the bites but also disease. The tiny little…

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Preventing Zika Virus Infection

3 Steps to Preventing Zika Virus Infection during Trips Abroad

These tips will help you to prevent Zika virus infection, which began to spread to all the warm countries. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recently issued a warning to pregnant women traveling to about 30 countries where there is a high risk of infection by the Zika Virus. This is because Zika virus has been directly linked with the birth of babies…

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How to Make a Yarrow Insect Repellant

How to Make a Yarrow Insect Repellent – Better & Safer Than DEET!

It’s that time of the year where you will find yourself fighting bug bites and naturally, you will be on the hunt for solutions. Why not make your own insect repellent using natural ingredients such as yarrow? The most conventional sprays that many of us go for has a chemical known as DEET - which has been found to have adverse health effects…

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