Why Do We Need Oxygen to Breathe

Why Do We Need Oxygen to Breathe and What Are Its Functions?

From an early age, we all learned that we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. This was the introduction to the biology of human life and is for many people a fundamental lesson we have never forgotten. While the biological aspects of human life are complicated and cannot be summarized in a single statement, the oxygen influence can never be under…

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8 Benefits of Eating Slowly

8 Health Benefits of Eating Slowly and How to Practice It

Many of us are guilty of eating fast so that we can get on with our busy lives. While eating like Speedy Gonzales does move us to the next activity quickly, it does our bodies more harm than good. So why not practice eating slowly? Slow eating has a slew of benefits, although it may require time and self-discipline. We share the reasons…

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Mental and Physical Effects of Air Pollution Backed by Recent Studies

Studies Show Mental & Physical Health Effects of Air Pollution

We've become quite aware of the environmental damage that comes from air pollution, but what impact is it having on your health? The concern over climate change issues and the environment need to be at the forefront of our discussions, but the health effects of air pollution impact us on a personal level. The damage being done by air pollution is having a…

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Hand Acupressure Points That WIll Help You Heal Your Ailments

6 Powerful Hand Acupressure Points That Can Heal Ailments

The body is an incredible thing, one amazing feature is the built-in pain management system you have in yourself. Many ailments can be dealt with just through certain areas in the body we call acupressure points. Think of your body as a house. There is a full electrical system wired throughout it and there are various points around the body that are like…

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Lessons Ancient Chinese Medicine Can Teach Us

5 Lessons Ancient Chinese Medicine Teaches Us about Our Body

Medical practitioners from all cultures teach us that we must treat ourselves as well to stay healthy. Those who use ancient or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believe this. As its name suggests, ancient Chinese medicine has timeless traditions. People practice it in various ways, and we can learn much from it. The history and philosophy of TCM Traditional Chinese medicine is a set…

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How to Achieve Lower Back Pain Relief

How to Get Lower Back Pain Relief with These 10 Natural Methods

Stabbing backaches that hit you while you're at work spoil your day. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to find relief for your lower back pain. We explain why you suffer from lower back pain and reveal how you can tell if the aches in your back stem from its upper or lower regions. This article also has suggestions for lower…

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what causes varicose veins

What Causes Varicose Veins and How to Prevent & Relieve Them

Do you feel throbbing in your legs? Are they heavy? If the answers to these questions are yes, you'll need to know what causes varicose veins and, most importantly, how to prevent them from worsening. This condition is uncomfortable and can be debilitating. We discuss the causes and symptoms of varicose veins. This article also has suggestions for preventing them. What are varicose…

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Unhappy Marriage Signs

8 Unhappy Marriage Signs Which May Not Be Easy To Spot

Unhappy marriage signs are what some never envisage for their marriage. When a couple gets married, they usually aspire to do so for life - or at least for a long time. Sometimes your desire is fulfilled, but in others, everything goes overboard simply because of unhappy marriage signs and the relationship that was once promising, unfortunately, comes to an end. What did…

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