Why Is My Period Late 10 Possible Causes

Why Is My Period Late? 10 Possible Causes of Delayed Periods Besides Pregnancy

You've missed your period but are sure that you aren't pregnant. Why could your period be late? Late periods are a cause for concern. They are indicative of health issues and may make changing one's lifestyle necessary. Here is some insight for women who wonder why their period is late. A Normal Menstrual Cycle You are familiar with the menstrual cycle, or a…

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Reusable Water Bottles

3 Reasons Why Reusable Water Bottles Help Save the Environment

Why are reusable water bottles better for the environment? There are lots of reasons why people drink bottled water, not least to stay hydrated, for convenience and for a supposedly purer taste. Unfortunately, this rise of drinking from disposable water bottles has led to an increase in plastic pollution around the world. This is why reusable water bottles are a much better alternative…

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Mediterranean Diet

7 Reasons Why the Mediterranean Diet Is One of the Healthiest Diets in the World

The Mediterranean Diet is one of the healthiest in the world for a number of reasons. Year in, year out there seems to be no end to the number of diets that pop up. You will often hear people saying 'This is the best diet ever" or "This diet will change your life". However, a lot of the time, these descriptions are hardly…

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vitamin K benefits

5 Vitamin K Benefits: Why You Need More of It in Your Diet

You have probably read or heard a lot about Vitamin K benefits. In fact, there are plenty of reasons why this nutrient should be a part of a balanced healthy diet. In the following post, we discuss what Vitamin K is, the Vitamin K benefits for your health and how you can increase your intake of it. What Is Vitamin K? Vitamin K…

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heart-healthy foods

10 Heart-Healthy Foods to Add to Your Diet for Vibrant Cardiovascular Health

High cholesterol levels are troubling and force a person to eat dishes that seem bland. Any food that's tasteless isn't inviting. Regardless, you still need heart-healthy foods to stay at the top of your game. Life Advancer suggests a few that are delightful and will keep you in the pink of cardiovascular health. Why you need heart-healthy foods This advice is not new,…

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Is second-hand smoke worse than smoking

Is Second-Hand Smoke Worse Than Smoking? What Science Has to Say

Is second-hand smoke worse than smoking? Smokers, non-smokers, and health experts have battled over this question for decades. Answering it is a struggle because of the differing views on the issue. Perhaps science will offer some insights into how dangerous second-hand smoke is. What Is Second-Hand Smoke? For many of us, smoke is what it is. There’s no difference between first and second-hand smoke.…

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Chakra Cleansing Natural Methods

How to Perform Chakra Cleansing with These Natural Methods

If you feel ill-at-ease spiritually, you probably need a dose of chakra cleansing. Spring clean your soul, just as you would your home. Chakra cleansing helps with the former. We introduce you to the different chakras and how to clear them the natural, life-giving way. What Is Chakra? Chakra is the body's energy center. You may see it as a freeway through which…

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a man and a woman

8 Weird Ways a Man and a Woman Perceive Life Differently, Backed by Science

Aside from obvious differences, there are strange variations between a man and a woman that you may not have noticed before. A man and a woman are different. These things range from biological differences to emotional ones, and they are quite odd. In fact, I bet you’ve heard that expression, Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, right? Why sure you…

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