Why Do Friends Change

Why Do Friends Change? 6 Most Common Reasons and What to Do

The truth is friends change. No matter how much you love and appreciate your acquaintances, they can still fade and disappear from your life. I remember having certain friends in primary school. Now, I never see these people, and rarely even think about them anymore. It’s sad, I know, but friends become different people over time - they inevitably change. The changes that…

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Female Body Language Signs of Attraction

Female Body Language Signs of Attraction: 8 Signs She Likes You

There’s a huge difference between male and female body language signs of attraction. Evolutionary scientists believe both sexes evolved differently when it comes to picking up on the signs of sexual interest. This is why there is such a disparity between male and female body language signs of attraction. Men are programmed to seek out many partners. This is so their genes will…

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Struggling with Making Connections

Struggling with Making Connections? How to Improve Your Social Skills as an Introvert

Making connections and socializing can be a hard task for introverts. How to improve your social skills as an introvert? When we talk of introverts, what comes to our mind first? Quiet, reserved, and self-centered people. For a number of reasons, making connections and socializing can be hard for them. But wait, there is more to introversion than these stereotyped definitions. A study…

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Silent Treatment in a Relationship

Why Silent Treatment in a Relationship Is Damaging and How to Deal with It

Hands up who has given their partner the silent treatment in a relationship? Now let’s have another show of hands for all those that didn’t think it caused their partners any real pain? Would you be surprised to learn that silent treatment in a relationship causes actual physical pain? This is because ignoring someone activates the same area of the brain that responds…

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Live Life to the Fullest

5 Reasons to Live Life to the Fullest and Practical Ways to Do It

Do you want to live life to the fullest like you used to in your childhood and youth? In fact, there are some practical and simple ways to do it. When you’re young, it seems as though life stretches out before you in an endless procession of days. Your opportunities seem unlimited, and you are not really conscious of the moments ticking by.…

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How to Deal with Jealous People

How to Deal with Jealous People and Stop Their Toxic Influence on Your Life

I never knew how to deal with jealous people until I realized how ugly the emotion can be. Jealousy can be a beast, turning you into a toxic person. I know jealousy is wrong, but I was also a part of the problem. Who am I fooling, I can still be a little jealous at times. I’m not proud of what I am,…

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Friendship Breakup

6 Instances When a Friendship Breakup Is Necessary for Your Mental Health

If your friend is guilty of any of the below, then a friendship breakup is really necessary for your own mental health and personal development. There are some friendships we form, that are meant to and do last forever. Whether they are forged in school, even earlier or in college or when you start your working life. However, there are some that have…

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a Platonic Friendship

What Is a Platonic Friendship and 6 Reasons Why It’s a Great Experience

There are many different kinds of love in the world, so what do we mean when we talk about platonic love or platonic friendship? When we talk about platonic love, we usually mean love between two people that are close but are not romantic. We experience this love all the time with friends and it creates a potentially intense closeness between the two.…

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