How to Broaden Your Horizons in Croatia

6 Things to Do in Croatia to Broaden Your Horizons

If you’re constantly focused on personal growth, your vacations might not be simply a chance to relax and let off steam. Instead, they might be chances to learn more about the world and find yourself, as well as meet new and different people who might be able to change your perspective. So, if you’re heading to Croatia this year for a journey of…

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Reasons You Should Hanging out People Different

5 Reasons You Should Be Hanging Out with People Who Are Different from You

Hanging out with people who have different perspectives will help you to discover new things and attune to new world views. Tolerance. Many people leave this word out of their vocabulary. Peace would replace the current chaos in the world if they did not. Clashing ideologies add to the global tension, almost daily. People are unable to accept other viewpoints and often try…

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Lessons Pueblo Indians Teach Their Children 2

10 World-Changing Lessons Pueblo Indians Teach Their Children

Few educators can match the expertise of the Pueblo Indians. Pueblo Indian writer Leslie Harmon recounts her years growing up in the Leguna Pueblo Reservation in the book "Yellow Woman and the Beauty of the Spirit." She recalled that everyone was a teacher and all activities had the potential to teach children. The book makes it unequivocally clear that people should not introduce…

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Reasons You Should Try Backpacking

3 Reasons Why You Should Try Backpacking At Least Once in Your Life

There are many reasons why backpacking is a great choice for a vacation, but here are the three reasons everybody should try backpacking at least once. Picture this – you’re walking along the coast. A warm breeze ruffles your hair and brings with it the smell of saltwater. You stretch your legs out in front of you, eating up the miles as you…

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Common Prejudices Holding You Back

7 Common Prejudices – Are They Holding You Back in Life?

The word “prejudice” means “pre-judging,” or, in other words, to form an opinion or a belief without any factual or rational reasoning for it. We normally think of common prejudices as directed toward others who are of a different race, religion, or even gender; and we form stereotypical notions about entire groups of people as a result. There are, however, other prejudices too,…

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Tips to Become an Open-minded Person

8 Effective Tips to Become an Open-Minded Person

Do you always stick to your own way of thinking and concerned about getting criticism from others? Then you are at the right place. This is an article to provide you tips on how to become an open-minded person. You will never find a person who is open-minded about anything that comes in their way. None of us is completely open-minded and at…

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