Why Should Smile More According Science

7 Reasons Why You Should Smile More, According to Science

Did you know that when you smile more, you are actually improving your mental and physical health? The founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud claimed that laughter releases a large energy surplus which remains imprisoned in the body. Also, the great philosopher and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche believed those who smile more protect their sanity, which is disturbed by two dangerous emotions, fear, and anger. It…

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Think Kill Animals Because Don’t Eat Meat

If You Don’t Eat Meat, You Don’t Kill Animals, Right? Wrong, Says Argentinian Naturalist

Among vegans and vegetarians, there are those who choose to do so simply because they prefer it - they do not like to eat meat. And that's perfectly fine. However, a lot more people who will say that they are on such a diet decided to stop eating meat for the love of animals, compassion, and in order to stop the killing. This…

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Get Rid of Migraine

How to Get Rid of Migraine in 5 Minutes with This Simple Homemade Drink

Are you looking for a way to get rid of migraine naturally, easily and fast? This homemade drink will help you out! Salt is one of the essential minerals for the human body. You will be surpised to know that among other things, salt can also help you get rid of migraine. Even though you have probably heard how unhealthy is the overconsumption…

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Natural Depression Treatments Keep Away Heavy Medication

10 Natural Depression Treatments That Will Keep You Away from Heavy Medication

These natural depression treatments will help you to find yourself again while staying away from the harmful effects of antidepressants. Ever since our existence, we the humans are always seeking for new natural ways to heal ourselves, including natural depression treatments. Nature has been taking care of our health and inner balance for centuries. Unfortunately, with the expansion of modern medicine, natural treatment…

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Symptoms Approaching Mental Breakdown You Can’t Afford Ignore

10 Symptoms of an Approaching Mental Breakdown You Shouldn’t Ignore

The life of modern humans has turned into a crazy race in which the winners are the fastest, the strongest, and not always the smartest. Not everyone can stand the constant tension. Many people are beginning to suffer from stress. This stress gradually accumulates, and when there is no more room for it, the situation leads to a mental breakdown. What is a…

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Here is what a lack of exercise does to your body and what to do to reverse its detrimental effects

What Lack of Exercise Does to Your Body and How to Reverse Its Effects

Lack of exercise does harm our body. Most of us don’t even realise that we spend the whole day sitting and almost not moving at all. We sit at work, in the car and again at home in front of the TV or at our favorite cafe or bar with friends. A seating area is, in fact, the place that harms our body…

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How to Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally

How to Increase Your Serotonin Levels Naturally to Stop Feeling Sad, Depressed and Bad-Tempered

It is possible to increase your serotonin levels naturally – here is how! Serotonin is an important brain chemical that helps to improve mood and stops feelings of depression and anxiety. That's why when we have low serotonin levels, our emotional state may suffer. This is a molecule of willpower and its deficiency can lead to the inability to create and take actions…

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What we can learn from stone-age native people of papua new guinea

What We Can Learn from Stone-Age Native People of Papua New Guinea

The native people of Papua New Guinea have a lot of things to teach the Western world. Papua New Guinea is probably the most undeveloped and most traditional country in the world. Just seventy years ago, a gold digger who was exploring new opportunities discovered more than a million people who are living in the Stone Age. They did not have any alphabet, wheel,…

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